The Darkness becomes light

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My eyes drifted open but I had only been able to see the slightest bit of light every few minutes. I could feel my bare legs covered no longer in my ladybug suit being dragged on cold and hard tile flooring. I heard laughter from a voice that sounded familiar something like no other that Hawkmoth. Suddenly I gained back my sight but my head still ached from a hard hit. I noticed a black and white tube large enough to hold a human glowing and Hawkmoth was walking around it murmuring things I couldn't hear and admiring whatever or whoever was in that container. When I saw Hawk moth turn around to face me  I tried to get up and walk away but my legs were to sore and tired throbbing on the floor.  "I see that the little bug has finally awoken from her long long long nap! " " hawkmoth where is cat Noir! " " CHAT! " I began to yell into the dark and echoy room. Hawkmoth gave a nasty and devilish grin "  your little partner Chat Noir seems to not be here so Ladybug you have two options, Option 1 you may help me or  Option 2 you make me do this the more difficult way? " he grinned I looked up and said " no!" In my most loud and reassuring voice. I felt my heart beating but I knew I could defeat Hawkmoth I have done it once I can do it again. Hawkmoth banged his staff on the hard tile and screamed "FLY AWAY YOU LITTLE AKUMA AND EVILIZE HER! " the next thing I saw was was myself in a black and red spotted outfit. And knew I was up to no good from there on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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