Time travel

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I'm Elizabeth,
25 years old,
Work as a librarian
Get payed well
Live in a decent apartment
Living an average life.


"I'm going home for today!" I start putting on my coat, "alright then! I'll see you tomorrow, Oh! And could you maybe come in next Friday? I have somewhere REALLY important to be!" I sigh and turn around "sure!" 'There goes my day off.' My face looked dissatisfied as I walked out the door.

I trotted my way to the train station, when I arrived I saw a black haired male right next to me. He look like a pushover to be honest, I almost shrugged him off as another stranger until I saw him be pushed into the tracks. It was as if my body knew what was gonna happen, I reached out but by time I grabbed him I fell in with him.

In those few seconds I saw my life flash before my eyes, all my friends, my co-workers, my family. When I came to I was in a park 'it's dark out...where am I?' I look around to see two boys on the swings, I walked up to them. "Uhm..excuse me?" The two boys looked up, one with blonde hair the other had dark hair.

"May I please see your phone?" 'Whoa what's up with my voice? I sound like I'm a 13 year old or something-' the blonde haired kid looked at me then the younger boy. Soon after he handed me his phone, "Thank you!" I opened the phone, the first thing I looked at was my reflection in the black screen. I froze.

'What..what the hell?' I touched my face, then started pulling at it. The boys looked at me as if I was strange, I turn on the phone hastily, the first thing I looked at was the date, July 4th, 2005, that is what the date read. I dropped the phone in disbelief, stumbling over onto the ground "how...how is this possible..12..this..this was 12 years ago.." all that was heard was mumbles in the quiet night.

I looked up at the two boys, the younger one looked confused. "What was that?" The blonde spoke as he got off the swing. He bent down to look me dead in my eyes. "Did you say..12 years ago?" He just stared "Are you from...12 years in the future?"

My eyes widened 'wha..what..this must be a dream..but..' "y...yes.." I averted eye contact. The boy stood up, "are you perhaps the girl that fell into the tracks..with...me?" I stood up shaken by the fact that this isn't a dream, I nodded my head.

"My name is Takemichi, the guy that fell into the tracks with you" I stood there, idle, nothing to say..more like I couldn't say anything. "My...my name is..Elizabeth..." I couldn't get a sentence out without stuttering.

He nodded and turned back to the confused little boy "in 12 years, you and your sister will die." I gasped my eyes still wide, "do whatever you can to save her." The little boy looked at Takemichi, then me and nodded. I got up and walked towards them. And with that we all shake hands.

If I was in Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now