Back In The Past

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I came to in my bedroom, well my bedroom 12 years ago. I get up looking around "That's right, I didn't know Takemichi 12 years ago...well it looks like my first move is to find him."

I looked down at what I was wearing, a tacky t-shirt and some shorts. "No way I'm going out in this" a sweat drop formed on my forehead. After getting dressed I opened my door and walked down the stairs to see my mom in the kitchen.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that?" As she said that I remembered that as a kid I really wasn't a fan of the outdoors, instead of going outside I would rather stay in my room all day. "Uhm.." 'shit what am I supposed to say??!' "I uh..I'm going to go meet a friend at the park" my mother looked at me sideways

"A friend? and why wasn't I informed about this?" I stare for a second."Well- it was last minute, so what I'm trying to say is..can I PLEASE go to see a friend at the park???" She looked me up and down before responding "I'll be by the park to see if you're there. Don't go NO WHERE other then the park, you hear me?"

I nodded before heading out the door. Once I made it out the door I paused "where am I even supposed to start..." I began walking aimlessly around town 'I just know my mom is going to give me hell when I get home...'


It's been hours since I left the house, I have no idea where I am and I have yet to find Takemichi. "Aw geez this is harder then I thought, maybe I should just go home.."

I looked around for a moment to observe all the pretty lights "whoa.." Like I said before I never got to go out as a kid so this was amazing. I look up 'it's getting dark'

I began to turn around to see Takemichi, "TAKEMICHI! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I pause. Before I knew it my legs began moving on their own. 'Why is Takemichi getting farther?' once I got a good look at his face I understood why my legs were moving

"HOLY SHIT, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT?" I say running away. I could hear his cries from afar "I- I can't do this Naoto!" I look back and stopped running so he could catch up to me.


Before I knew it the night had begun and we were walking across a bridge. "..." Takemichi looked like he was about to cry and seemed deep in thought 'I wonder what he's think about.."

Suddenly Takemichi stopped, I looked back "What's up?" Confusion written on my face. Takemichi began to cry, I sat there 'whatever happened to him must have been bad, bad' I look at him with pity.

All of a sudden Takemichi look like he had noticed something, "what?" Walking back to him. When I got near him he began to start walking, like he had somewhere to be.


'...this...this is hard, how am I supposed to work with someone who won't even cooperate with me?' I look down at my feet 'maybe I should just go back, back to the present...'

I look up to see Takemichi in the distance, but not too far. 'But how do I- wait..the handshake, I need to shake Naoto's hand!' 'But where does he live?...OH YEAH! Takemichi should know!' I began sprinting after him. "HEY TAKEMICHI WAIT UP!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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