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Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A B C. When you sing you begin with do re mi. Do-re-mi, do-re-mi

The first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi.

The peaceful setting and the calming music you were surrounded by could've been mistaken for a random person just having a nice day. You were not having a nice day.

You ran out of frosting for your cupcakes and didn't have any ingredients to make it from scratch, all of your lotuses died, you couldn't find the last Mary Poppins book anywhere to complete your series collection, and worst of all, one of the animals you were pet sitting had gone missing.

Where the hell could she have gone though?! She's a whole ass deer running around in New York, there's no way she could've gone far without someone shouting about it.

The funniest part about all of this? It's been storming for the past few hours. And your dumbass was getting ready to go out looking for her. Jesus christ Y/N, you're such a fucknut. Whatever that means.

"Y/N? Where are you going during all this mess?" Mrs. Andrews, an old lady who always made raspberry pie for you on Saturdays, peaked out of her door. Seems like she was doing laundry.

"Ah, I was just.. going out to look for something. Important." You'd almost forgotten what you were doing as your train of thought had switched tracks and was now thinking of how good schnitzel with noodles would taste right about now.

You didn't have enough money to buy ingredients though. Another night of hot pockets and Victor/Victoria, You sighed and put your phone in your pocket while Do-Re-Mi played peacefully along with the rain and thunder, it almost sounded like a conversation, occasionally joined by trains passing by to say hello.

Doe, a deer, a female deer, ray, a drop of golden sun, me, a name I call myself, far, a long, long way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread, la, a note to follow sew! Tea, a drink with jam and bread, that will bring us back to Do oh-oh-oh!


You got a tired look from the janitor of your apartment complex as you entered the elevator door soaking wet with muddy boots. What's his pro- Oh. Poor Yven had to clean the elevator all over again.

"Listen Cal, it's about Maria... No- I didn't, I would never! You're going to laugh when you hear this, promise." You were soaking wet, even with your rain jacket on, your bike had been stolen, and you had to fess up to Callisto about her pet deer. This day could not get any worse. I'm pretty sure that's not grammatically correct. Shut up.

You walked out of the elevator and got to your door in a matter of seconds. One of the perks of paying rent early. Sometimes it's a perk. Other times I have to listen to couples who can't keep it in their pants until they're in the safety and privacy of their own rooms or teenagers arguing about whether the ocean is a soup or not.

You thought back to the situation at hand, not wanting to stress yourself any further, as you had to prepare for going missing in the next few days. Why couldn't they have just gotten a hamster or something! You grumbled but you didn't know if it was your mouth or your stomach.

You lifted the rug in front of your door, but the spare key you hid wasn't there. "Cal you had a deer for a childhood friend in New York but you call me a weirdo?" You couldn't help but laugh, salvaging and appreciating your last minutes before your friend came to your apartment and strangled you. "Oh! Yeah, about Maria..." This was it. Your last conversation. Hopefully she'll have mercy on me. "I-"

You opened the door to see Maria under your coffee table, sitting all innocent like she didn't have you fearing for your life a few minutes ago. That wasn't what bothered you though.

What bothered, or rather startled you was the literal God sleeping on your couch with your favorite Monster High blanket. "... I'll call you back." Despite their protests, you pressed the red button softly, as if they could tell and would immediately understand and forgive you.

"Maria... What the hell did you do?"


fun fact: i name most of the characters after misspellings i make

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