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Yes, New York; it's really us: Barnaby and Cornelius! All the guests of Mr. Hackl are feelin' great and look spectacular! What a knack there is to that, acting like a born aristocrat! We got elegance if you ain't got elegance, you can never ever carry it off!

You hummed along to the song playing on a record player your grandma gave to you on your eighteenth birthday. Although it was a gift given a decade ago, and created before that, you treated it like it was brand new. Sometimes you could smell the packaging peanuts whenever you sat close to it.

Today was a particularly good day, as it was the day you got your paycheck. The pay of a teacher wasn't that much, but you could deal with it. You chose this profession because of your impulse to help people. You also made bank by becoming a babysitter, so who cares?

You stared intensely at the sweater you were sewing, it was supposed to be a 'sorry for losing your weird ass deer and for that thing I did three Thursdays ago.*' gift for your friend Callisto. You wondered if it was going to be another one of their trademarks, where they wear it every specific day of the week. The slot for their Thursday aesthetic has yet to be filled, and you'd love to have the honors of being their weekly designer.

Now that you think about it, you really need to find a hobby. Many would explain you as a Jack of all trades, master of none. You found something challenging to do, get good at it, and then give it up. It wasn't a problem to your parent's, as long as they had something to brag about, and you outshone most of your friends. But all fire had to burn out eventually. Basically, you peaked during school, which is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. And now you had nothing to do. Well, I haven't watched anything in this decade in a while...

You took the remote from the coffee table, you had no idea why you had it other than to put stacks of unopened mail on it, and turned on the TV.


Maybe I'll be fine without TV for a few more days, it's not like I'm missing anything! You laughed to yourself, immediately turning off the TV. Thor slept by your feet in a Monster High sleeping bag you used whenever sneaking over to one of your grade school friend's house, and the news on the Avengers would not be something pleasant to wake up to. But you had to admit, it looked adorable, as he struggled to fit inside of the bag while simultaneously trying not to break it.

What looked adorable? Cause right now it kinda sounds like you're saying I have a crush or something. Which I don't. I do not. You glanced back at his peaceful expression, radiant hair glowing in the presence of the sun, and you pondered back on your idea that his hair was dyed with a drop of golden sun. Maybe. Maybe he is cute. Everyone likes him, it's no big deal. I like him, as a friend of course! A friend. Only a friend. You went back to sewing before you could embarrass yourself somehow, like you always manage to do.


oh nah bro halloween is coming up this is when my parents start talkinf abt religion more n more 

this chapter is a lil bit shorter so expect something cool next week :)

*im going to be doing oneshots based off of sound of music songs after the do re mi thing is finished, but it depends on how many days i failed to update

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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