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"Maria, what did you do?" You stood there in complete shock, wondering what the hell a god was doing, sleeping on your white couch, and getting mud on your favorite Monster High blanket.

Of course, she didn't answer. She's an animal after all. But you'd forgotten that, and continued to talk to her. "Maria you- what the hell did you do? Why is there a god in my apartment messing up my couch?" She looked everywhere but at you.

You picked up your phone that you'd previously dropped and unlocked it. Well I can't call the police. They would probably think I'm either drunk or trolling if I call them and start talking about how an Avenger is in the middle of my living room without permission and I'd most likely get arrested for wasting their time.

You looked at your other contacts. No way in hell am I calling Callisto, they're going to freak out or come over to curb stomp my pelvis for wasting their time as well. You scrolled to the D's on the names of contacts. Dad? What's dad gonna do? He's like, nowhere near here. And I don't think he'd be of much help either.

Damn 💖💓
Da- What is he still doing in my contacts? I thought I removed him a long time ago! You were so absorbed in finding someone to help you with your situation that you didn't realize your 'situation' standing right in front of you. "Hel-"

"Gah!" You threw your phone at his face at an instant, almost as if it was a natural reaction. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I shouldn't say that either, sorry!" You waved your hands at him in a jazz style motion. Who cares if you wanted to tell him off right now? He leveled a mountain for fun once, snapping you like a twing won't be that hard for him.

There was an awkward silence that enveloped the two of you. Someone had to speak up and explain themselves, and it wasn't you because you didn't break any laws when you went into the apartment. But still, not a word was heard.

"... Why are you here?" You tried to say the sentence in the nicest way you could muster. "The miniature beast led me here to shelter." You pursed your lips at his outdated talk. Remember, you don't want to die today.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go?" This simple question made him grimace. "My 'friends' are currently having a quarrel." This was indeed true, you'd seen it on the news recently. Apparently the Avengers were planning to split up. But there was still one question you wanted to ask.

"Why didn't they ask for your input?" This had sparked something new in him. "I know right?! Surely they had to at least consider consulting the most powerful Avenger before deciding to split!" Your face scrunched up at him mentioning being the most powerful.

"... Yea!" You forced a smile. "What? You don- you don't think I'm the most powerful Avenger?" A hint of amusement was heard in his voice. I can't believe I'm talking so casually with a god. "I mean, Wanda is-" He shushed you before you could finish your sentence.

"Well, as you know me as the strongest Avenger," He put unneeded emphasis on the word strongest. "You also know I have nowhere else to go." You could feel your jaw drop comically.

He wants to stay in my apartment. This literal god with a day named after him wants to stay in the same place as me. The gravity of the situation hit you hard with his hammer. Yet you still didn't believe it. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" You could tell by the overwhelmingly awkward silence that something between the two had happened. "Well, what about Asgard?" ...

You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. Well, you tried. You comb your hair everyday but the bitch always finds some way to tangle itself. "I guess you can stay here... If you pay rent."

"Of course, rent." He laughed and looked at you a little embarrassed. "What is rent?"

So we put in words, one word for every note. Like this! When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything~ Together! When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything~

You hummed along to the song playing on the TV while reading a book. Thor had already gotten comfortable in your apartment and has been lying on your couch eating your stash of candy that you hid so your friend Johnny wouldn't down them all in one go.

Out of all the movies you'd guess Thor would like, Sound of Music is definitely not one of them. You'd think it would be something like Fight Club or at least something like Grease or Mama Mia. Maybe not Mama Mia. But the point was, Thor likes extremely cheesy romance movies?!

Not what you'd normally expect from him, but anything goes now that Earth's mightiest heroes are having the biggest argument of the century. Probably.

You'd never got to look at him so close, even if you were six feet apart. I'm six feet away from one of the most amazing people in the entire.. galaxy probably! You were at a loss for words, you didn't even remember how to talk.

What amazed you the most was his hair. They were like rays had been plucked from the sun and weaved into his hair. His hair colored by drops of golden sun had probably soaked into your skin, which is maybe why your sun kissed skin was more radiant these few hours.

"You know, you seemed a little fearful of me when you first found me here. I'd never guess you to be so bold. Keeps me on my toes, quite amusing." He said, taking you out of your dream world and into a reality that didn't feel as real as the world in your mind.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" You started leaking apologies over the sound of Maria yelling at Georg for his terrible parenting. You were so focused on his hair that you didn't even notice when you started petting him. I thought I was six feet away?! Wh- H- The fuck?!

He opened his mouth to say something, but chose not to, and closed his mouth. You were contemplating throwing yourself out of the window by the bookshelf beside your bed before Thor spoke up.

"You know, it's been nearing a week since I came." Well you wouldn't call it came, more like breaking and entering. But you couldn't say that when you were so damn embarrassed! You nodded awkwardly looking to the side. "We consider each other companions, right?"

You genuinely didn't know how to answer that. As you thought, your book fell to the ground and you'd curse yourself later for losing your spot in the book. You looked down at the cover, a black, white, and red book with matches hiding at the top, while trying to answer honestly.

"I... guess?" He ignored how your answer felt more like you were questioning yourself. In all fairness, you barely talked to him and admired him from a distance when you thought he wasn't looking, so he didn't know his relationship with you either.

"So, let's introduce ourselves." The suggestion hit you like a truck. We've been living in the same place for a week and I haven't even told him my name. "I'll go first," You assumed he did it because of how dumbstruck you looked right now.

"I am Thor Odinson of Asgard, God of Thunder among others and the strongest and most powerful Avenger, though there are some non believers." He rolled his eyes playfully, which definitely shocked you. He's been picking up my body social cues. Yea, you weren't the only one slowly falling in love with your roommate.

"Well then, I am Y/N L/N of Earth, reader of books I had to write essays on in high school." You picked up the book titled Fahrenheit 451 from the carpeted floor and showed it to him. "What in Odin's beard is high school?"

"Well for some it's a place for educational purposes, for the normal people, it is what you would call Hel." He nodded, surprise evident in his features. "It's best if high school is destroyed then?" You thought about it for a second and then waved your hand. "Nah," You waved your hand at him while openingn up your book

"Fuck them kids."

wattpads writing system on its app is genuinely so ass omg /lh

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