Frying pan

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Ever sense I made my brother disappear (which I'm very ashamed of) my parents haven't been eating or taking care of themselves. They just sit in there paranoia all day. It worries me and makes me sad because it's all my fault. I think they are making breakfast today. I'm kinda hungry so I'll go ask for some. Maybe I should ask when she's done? No she needs to make enough. I don't want to ruin it by magic or them getting afraid. I really hope they don't throw it up this time. If they died from starvation or anything of the like it would be all my fault. I slowly walk in there to my mom who was cooking sunny-side-up eggs on the stove. She's not really mentally stable because of me so she had it all the way up to the point I think it's going to make a fire. "Hey m-"

She swung the frying pan around and hit me in the face with it, just in that second it gave me bad burns and a bruise, the pain just kept coming as I held my cheek and looked at her it fear until my eyes suddenly shot open. Even though I was unreasonably tired. I thought it'd be better to get up than to just let these bad dreams and memories haunt me some more. I don't even know why it was happening Im usually a lucid dreamer. I got up and went outside, everyone but max was there.

He's probably looking for salt.

I went up to David and said "hey David it's weird of you to not wake me up?" "Well Harrison I tried to but you wouldn't- "and he's fell back asleep." "Jeez he's tired today" added Gwen

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