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                    You sat on your wooden kitchen floor rubbing your forehead in frustration. Work, school, modeling, and painting took all of your energy. Not to mention all your free time was spent looking for your friend, Kazutora. Every waking moment felt like torture knowing he wasn't on your side. Twelve long years had you mentally exhausted, you and Kazutora used to be glued to the hip. Whenever someone wanted to find Kazutora they'd look for you first. You ruled out any possibilities of him moving to another city or getting killed. He would've been on the news or someone would've spotted him, right?

 "Shit.." You hissed as a sharp pain sprouted on your forehead. You were running on four hours of sleep and a shit ton of coffee. Your phone rang loudly, only making you irritated. You picked up with a simple hi.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and test some new motorcycles I fixed. I also figured since we're here we could go open the time capsule.." Drakken spoke on the other line. Hearing his voice lessened your intense headache thankfully. You honestly forgot about the time capsule your old friend group dug up. Any type of distraction from the amount of stress you were experiencing was worth it.

 "For sure, I'll be down there in like," Peering at the clock 4:45 "An hour..I need to finish some stuff around the house" You looked down at all your school work and emails in front of you. A heavy sigh left your lips.

"Mkay, tell Soren I love her and miss her" He spoke in a baby voice, gesturing towards your dog. You let out a snort, "Yea yea, bye loser" You hung up shaking your head still laughing. Your pitbull, Soren, came to you with a leash in her mouth. Well...a walk wouldn't be bad.

                      After throwing a graphic tee, you slipped on some crocs and left your apartment. You decided to take Soren around the block to the corner store, you needed some groceries to start meal-prepping. On your way there, your heart dropped. In front of you was walking a tall man with black and blonde hair. A neck tattoo peeked over his turtle neck, you sped walk to tap on his shoulder. Excitement running through your veins.

 "Excuse me.." Your excitement plummeted when you didn't recognize the man at all. You just tapped on a stranger's shoulder ... .good job me! You thought internally, cringing at your own mistakes. The stranger looked at you puzzled. "There's something on the back of your shirt! Just wanted to let you know.." You awkwardly laughed. The stranger thanked you and walked away. You peered down at Soren who was innocently waiting to keep walking.

 "God I've really lost it.." You closed your eyes for a moment, letting your hand run down your face.

                 You quickly got your groceries and returned home. Putting everything away and finishing up some homework. Soon enough it was time to leave for Drakens, giving a kiss to Soren you began walking to his shop. His shop was only two blocks down, it wasn't worth the gas. Music blasted in your ears on your journey. Eyes watched your figure enter the shop, oblivious to your surroundings. Strong hands slapped onto your shoulders, scaring the shit out of you.

"Holy shit!" You snapped your neck around to see Inui. "I swear to god Inui, one of these days I'm really gonna rock your shit" You slapped his head as he rolled on the floor laughing.

"You should've seen your reaction! Oh my god I can't!" He cackled, holding his stomach. You gave him a bored look, rolling your eyes. Everytime you walk over here, he always manages to scare the living shit out of you.

                Draken appeared from the corner with some tools in hand, he was working on a new project when he heard a ruckus. You smiled at him and gave him a warm hug. He returned your gesture with a side hug as his arms were covered in a bunch of grime.

"Hi hun, pick a bike in the back. We're kinda in a rush because I lost track of time.." He pointed towards the door leading to the garage. You picked the sleek black one with a red streak coming down on the side. It was practically screaming at you to pick it so why not? You immediately hopped on, revving the engine as you secured your helmet. 

                Without missing a beat you sped off hearing Inui yelling at you to wait. The breeze felt good on your arms, it distracted you from everything. The nostalgia hit you as you pulled into the old shrine. Nobody had visited or bothered keeping it up since everyone went their separate ways.

                Taking off your helmet you placed it on the handle of your motorcycle. In came Draken and Inui revving their engines to signal their presence. As if the motorcycle itself wasn't loud enough...

"C'mon, you left just like that?" Draken pouted at you playfully. Inui punched your shoulder making you wince. You grabbed him by his hair and pulled him all the way to the time capsule. There was Mitsuya, Smiley, Hakkai, Angry, and Chifuyu.

"Everyone...but Chifuyu..again" Mitsuya's voice had annoyance laced in his voice. Chifuyu could never make it to the annual meet ups. The same excuse of being busy or sick made everyone doubt him. There was no way he was busy every single time everyone planned to hang out.

                   Nonetheless everyone grabbed what they put in the time capsule, Hakkai had a rock with a paper labeled 'Moon Rock' on it, Mitsuya pulled out the first first stuffed animal he sewed together for Luna and Mana, Smiley had relaxer..of course, and you. You left your piece of the matching earring you shared with Kazutora.

                    He still had the other half but it was probably long gone. Kazutora put in the bracelet you made him with his initials and black beads. Your eyes swelled with a bit of tears as you remembered everything.

                    The way he rubbed your shoulders, kept you safe, gave you comfort, stood up for you, it all caused you to heavily reminisce. Your body still remembered his touch, his fondness of you. The way his eyes tracked your every movement and he took a bullet for you. Literally. Kazutora gave you his other earring as a promise he'd come back after he served his time. Though he never did.

                    Every night had your mind running in circles because of his lies. 'You'll be the first person I contact' my ass. He never contacted you and you doubted he would. You shoved the two pieces of jewelry in your pocket then looked up. You were quickly met with stares of pity mixed with guilt. It hadn't been their fault his dumbass got caught but they still felt insanely guilty.

"C'mon guys, I'm fine.." A lump formed in your throat as you tried to speak. Quickly swallowing your tears, you gave everyone a smile then resumed traveling through memory lane. You made a silent promise to give him back his bracelet once you met him or vice versa. You

 "I seriously cannot believe you put a perm in the damn box out of all things.." Angry rolled his eyes at his twin. Hakkai snorted as Smiley turned pink.

 "It's easier to deal with.." Smiley mumbled with a pout. The moon hitting Angry and Smiley just right as they bickered. You were so glad everyone was together but you still felt something was missing, or rather, someone.


I'm rewriting this series so please give me time.

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