The Day The Spark Was Ignited

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It was move-in day at Barden University and Aubrey Posen found herself extremely excited for this school year to begin. You see it was Aubrey's senior year of college and she was excited to take on life after college with her best friend, Chloe Beale, by her side. Although the thing Aubrey was dreading the most was that she would have to endure another A Capella competition season against the Barden Bella's rivals, The Treblemakers. The blond did enjoy her time as a Bella and she wouldn't trade it for anything, but she wasn't sure if she could last another year with Bumper and his sarcastic comments. Aubrey finally arrived at the campus and was greeted by none other than her favorite redhead, Chloe.

"Long time no see, Red," Aubrey chuckled as she exited her car.

"It's good to see you too, Aubrey," Chloe replied, smacking the blond for calling her red.

"Should we make our way to the booth?" Aubrey asked, still attempting to recover from her fit of

"We probably should," Chloe said, both girls finally able to compose themselves.


Aubrey and Chloe were at the Bella's activities fair booth trying to recruit singers for the Bella's to no avail after the incident that occurred at last years ICCA'S.


The Bella's were on stage at the ICCA Finals at Lincoln Center and were absolutely nailing the performance. Alice had just finished her solo and handed the microphone over to Aubrey for her big solo moment.

Aubrey was nailing her solo until she got so nervous that she puked. Literally everywhere. In the words of John and Gail, "She lost her lunch all over the third row." Aubrey stood there mortified knowing that Alice was going to bitch at her as soon as they got off stage, but at least she had
Chloe by her side to hold her hair back.

*End Flashback*

Aubrey and Chloe were so desperate to recruit new members, that were actually considering allowing Baloney Barb to join.

"Hey, Barb! Gonna audition this year? We have openings." Chloe asked the brunette.

"Oh, now that you've puked your way to the bottom, you might actually consider me? I've auditioned three times and never got in because you said my boobs look like baloney," She snapped back sarcastically at Chloe, putting her hands on her hips revealing her baloney like
boobs. "The word's out. The Bella's are the laughing stock of A Capella. Good luck recruiting this year, douche-b's."

"This. Is. A TRAVESTY!" Chloe sings frantically, "If we can't recruit Baloney Barb, we can't get anybody."

Aubrey tried to calm her friend who was now hysterical, "Take the dramatics down a notch, Chlo. I'm confident we'll find eight super-hot girls with bikini-ready bodies who can harmonize and have perfect pitch. "

A group of attractive girls passed by and Aubrey offered them a flyer. However, the girls pushed the blond to the side and continued on their way. Aubrey clearly infuriated about what had just transpired, turned back to her fellow co-captain handing her the flyers.

"Keep flyering. We have a tradition to uphold," Aubrey tells Chloe, obviously beginning to become flustered herself.

"How about we just get good singers?" Chloe suggests as an Australian girl approaches the booth.

"Did you say, good singers?" The Australian questioned.

"Hi! Can you sing?" Chloe asked the blond before her.

"Yeah," The girl replied confidently.

"Can you read music?" Chloe further asked the girl once again responding with a confident yes.

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