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"Hey, Soph."

"Hi Jeff."

"You look beautiful."

"You look so handsome. I love your scruffy hair."

"There isn't a computer problem, is there?"


"I figured. I'm sorry. I'm probably a little heavier than you expected."

"I don't mind. That's not what I care about."

"Can we kiss, maybe?"

"Yeah, we can."

"We can?"

"Of course. I've been waiting forever."


"Sophie, I was going to quit that job the day you called. I stayed just to see if you'd call again."

"Come here."

"You first."

"I love you." 

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"You deleted Windows 8, right?"


"God you're perfect. C'mere, Sophie Paloafy."

"Will do, Jeffy Weffy."

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