Log 5

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"Hello, this is Microsoft support. This is the serial killer who probably murdered your kid and if you're kid isn't already dead they will be soon. I also go by Jeff."

"I thought you got monitored?"

"They've totally stopped giving a shit, so. What's up today, Sophie-paloafy?"


"I don't know. No good nicknames for 'Sophie.'"

"True, true. At least you tried. I'm still flattered. Anyway, whenever I use Tumblr for videos, it freezes constantly. What do I do?"

"Are you using Tumblr for porn, Sophie?"


"Shut up. That's all Tumblr videos are. Anyway, you have to let it buffer."

"I do. It doesn't work."

"Ah! Wait, I just looked up a solution for you in the little tech help booklet we have."

"Yayayayayayay! What's it say?"

"Switch to PornHub."

"Fuck off."

"I think you will be later."

"EW. I bet you'd love that."

"Maybe. That's up to opinion."

"I have to go, Jeff."

"Please don't. I'm ever so lonely."

"Ugh. I guess I can stay for a little longer..."

"That's my Sophie-paloafy."

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