Chapter 9

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After the events of the storm, the four friends had not muttered a word to each other. Passing glances were exchanged in the common room, silence during meals and lessons, and the two girls would ignore each other in their dorms at night, assuming the two brothers were doing the same.

Izzie tried to stay out of her dorm as much as possible, attempting to avoid any form of interaction with Rose whatsoever, because just like Fred, she was pissed.

For the last two years all Izzie heard was how crazy Rose was about Fred. Fred this. Fred that. Fred Fred Fred. And now she's making out with his brother right in front of him. Like, what the fuck?

As for Snape, she had stopped going to his Legililancy lessons in hope he would get the hint and stop trying to talk to her outside of class. He wanted to speak about what happened the other night after his extra curricular lesson, but she wouldn't allow him to. Talking about it would bring up emotions, emotions would cause Izzie to feel and once again, she found herself in a place where she done feeling. No emotion. No care. Back to her normal self.

"That astronomy tower edge is looking really tempting right about now"

"I will elect to ignore that comment in hope that you are just being dramatic" Remus mumbled sarcastically as Izzie stormed into his classroom Saturday night.

"Fred and George aren't speaking, me and Rose aren't speaking and I just saw George and Rose absolutely swallowing each other faces in the court yard outside!" she yelled, pointing towards the door in anger as she paced his classroom.

"I see" he hummed, clearly faking interest as he continued to mark his papers in concentration.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?!" She exclaimed desperately, "They were swallowing each others faces Remus!!"

"Do not call me that" he shot his head up sternly, pointing a warning finger at her, "I told you that information to make you feel better"

"Had to get your attention somehow" she shrugged cooly with a smirk.

"Right yes yes..." Remus sighed, waving his hand in the air in boredom, "Fred and Rose are swallowing each others face and you aren't happy about it"

"NO!!" she whined flinging her arms up with a pouty face, "Rose and George"

"But I thought Rose liked Fred?" Remus shook his head in confusion.

"EXACTLY!!" She exclaimed with wide eyes pointing to him as if he got it spot on, and dropping down into the chair opposite his on the other side of his desk, flinging her head back tiredly.

"Got it out of your system now?" Remus chuckled, sliding over a bar of chocolate to her as she nodded and snapped off a piece, plopping it into her mouth and chewing aggressively.

"Right, what are we doing today?" she huffed, shuffling some papers around on his desk to find the small napkin she gave to him that she figured out he kept on top of his work space, ticking each subject off as they went through them.

"We are doing..." he mumbled, reaching into his draw to grab the napkin and squinting his eyes at the next topic, "Oh this should be fun, control of your wandless magic"

"I didn't put that on there?" she narrowed her eyes suspiciously as he raised his eyes brows in faked innocence and shook his head obliviously with a shrug.

"Did you not? I wonder how that happened" he breathed, bunching his mess of papers into a small pile at the edge of his desk and gesturing for her to stand.

"I know  how to control my wandless magic" she whined, grumpily getting out of her chair and following him to the middle of his room, "If you're just going to teach me the same stuff I might as well go back to Snape"

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