Chapter 39

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So, Remus and Izzie had decided that they would no longer make anything obvious at all around people, especially Snape.

It was hard. They missed eachother. A subtle smile at dinner was all the other received.

She wouldn't stay behind after class because 9 times out of ten Snape would show up precisely on the bell to "give Remus his potions", but they both knew it was to check if they were together.

Infact, they had to pretend like they hated each other. After all, Izzie did end things with Remus out of the blue and for no reason.

That's what Snape thought anyway.

"Wait wait wait...So snivillous is screwing Narcissa?" Sirius waved his hand in the air with a disgusted look painted across his features.

"Yeah he-wait..." she furrowed her brows and looked him up and down suspiciously, "How do you know that nickname?"

"How do you know that nickname?" Sirius bounced back with an equally suspicious look.

"Me and the twins have been calling him that for years!" She exclaimed, "What's your excuse?!"

"I created the bloody name!!" He shouted pointing at his chest vigorously.

"No you did not!!" She practically screeched scrunching her face up, "We did!!"

"Like bloody hell you did!!" He yelled back with a loud scoff, "Like bloody hell-"

"Stop!!" She huffed finally, rolling her eyes, "We are really arguing over a nickname when my relationship is on the line?"

"Thought it wasn't a relationship?" He quirked a brow smugly.

"I fucking hate you" she scowled.

"So Snape's blackmailing you?" Rose scrunched her eyebrows up, "A week ago he was buying you gifts?"

"Tell me about it" Izzie huffed, shaking her head in annoyance as she scribbled some astronomy notes down for her homework.

She sat crossed legged on her bed as she studied, Rose sending her a sympathetic look at her stressed state.

"Have you eaten today?" She mumbled.

"Nope" Izzie muttered back, squinting her eyes against the parchment to see better.

"Why don't you go see if Lupin is free? Just talk to him for a bit you know?" She shrugged.

"Don't you think if it was that easy then I would have done it by now?" She scoffed, looking up at her friend irritated, "We can't spend time together in case Snape finds out...and believe me...I need that bloody time together"

" can't let Snape control you like's-it's-"

"Toxic? Manipulative? Infuriating?" She raised her eyebrows expectantly, "Trust me I already know all of that...wanna know the last time I had sex?"

"No not reall-"

"Three weeks ago!!" She yelled, throwing her pen across the room and letting out a loud groan through her hands that was now covering her face, " I miss sex"

"He can't be that good" Rose scoffed.

"Wanna bet?" She sent her a serious look, nodding her head slowly as Rose raised her eyebrows, rather impressed, "That...that man....Jesus, he's good in bed...he can do more things with the flick of his tongue then-"

"I don't need to know about my Defence teachers sex skills!!!" Rose whined, clamping her hands over ear and scrunching her face up, "Leave right now and go find him before you start coming on to me!"

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