Cuddles, Alcohol and Very Bad Drawings

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"Okay, so today was a total mess," Alexander said, pushing back his curly blonde bangs. 

"How so?" William asked, perched on the kitchen bench, looking across at his light haired boyfriend.

"Well first of all, the history textbook we have to use is entirely wrong. There are so many facts that have been changed! It's as though they can change history by editing a primary school textbook,"  He replied, flopping down on a dining chair.

"Then, when I told the students it was incorrect, they asked me how I knew. How on earth am I meant to respond to that? "Oh, I know because I was there!" What would they say to that?"

"They would probably believe you Alex. They're 7 year old's. They would think you were the best thing since guillotines," Will replies, laughing slightly.

"That's the thing, they would go home and tell their parents about their "cool immortal teacher." Then all the parents will know!" He replied in exasperation.

"As if the parents will believe them. Calm down, it's fine." 

There was silence. It was comfortable silence, one shared by two lovers who could say everything they needed to just through the looks they gave one another. No words were needed. 

After centuries of being together, they were fine with lapsing into a period of silence. For the blonde and black haired boys were truly in love.

"I have an idea. I bought some wine the other day, why don't we try it out?" Alex asked, getting up off the chair to move to the cupboard.

"You know I don't like alcohol. But I guess we could try it." 

"You won't regret it!" He says, grabbing two glasses and the bottle.

After an hour or so, with many spilled secrets and funny stories, Alex and Will were laying on the floor of their balcony, staring up at the stars. They were both slightly drunk, but happy. They were happy, looking at the bright lights in the sky.

"The sky is beautiful tonight." Will says, smiling. He had always been fascinated by stars.

"They sure are. Not as beautiful as you though." Alex replies, much to Will's confusion.

"I might believe you if I knew what I looked like." He says wistfully, trying to see his reflection in the sliding glass door.

"I have an idea!" Will exclaims, sitting up. "How about we describe each other! That way, we can figure it out!"

Alex laughs.

"You can start. I'm not good at descriptions."

"Okay." He takes a deep breath and stares at Alex, studying his every feature. He needed to get this right.

"You have curly blonde hair, a similar shade to Taylor Swift. You have soft, tan skin that glows with the radiance of a thousand moons. Your eyes are a light turquoise, and sparkle like a lake on a summer day. You have thick, dark eyelashes and fairly round eyes."

He stops, looking at him. Was there anything he had missed?

Alexander stared back at him, astounded. His description was wonderful, magical even. He was in awe.

"My turn now. You have dark, black hair and fairly pale skin, yet it still looks healthy. Your eyes are a deep green, like sunlight through the roof of a forest. You have an adorable splatter of freckles across your nose. You wear tortoise shell glasses which bring out the lighter parts of your eyes."

William was grinning from ear to ear. He had never heard such beautiful words. He just wished he could see himself for real.

Suddenly, he was struck with an idea. He ran back inside the house, grabbed some paper and pencils, and ran back outside.

"We should draw each other! That way, we can know for certain what we look like!" He said excitedly.

Alex looked apprehensive. He was not proud of his art skills.

"I guess... we could try." He says, picking up a piece of paper.

Will looked excited, and also grabbed some paper. They sat together, gazing at one another, attempting to draw images of the other. 

After a while, they had both come up with something. The folded them in half and slid them over to the other, then tentatively opened them. 


"This is..."

The paused for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"These are terrible!" Alex exclaimed, looking at the drawing. It was something that a toddler would draw, a slick figure with a large grin.

Will's wasn't much better. It looked like a lot of scribbles put together that somewhat resembled a human. 

They both agreed to never do that again, but not before framing them in their hallway.

A/N Thanks for reading the first chapter, it means a lot!

Word count: 754

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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