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Galactus, Kang The Conquerer, Memphisto and Dr Vic Von Doom met once again in a Planet Faraway from all others and Galactus becomes Regular Sized and talks plans and strategies for defeating Loki and Slyvie.

They are joined in by The Beyonder who revealed TVA was mostly made by The Living Tribunal with Justices of course.

Living Tribunal met up with Odin after years of being injured in his place and talked plans about the escape of Memphisto's Plan against Loki and Slyvie a Variant and Possible Lover Of Him but Odin tells Slyvie isn't a Loki she's an Enchantress and they began working a way out when Loki turned towards Odin and saw Living Tribunal met him and they talked a plan out and Living Tribunal handed out a list of Galactus Heralds and Servents to him :-

The Fallen One
Invincible Boy
Red Shift
Terrax The Tamer
Gor The Gods Butcher
The Silver Surfer

Odin met up with Gor The Gods Butcher in the Future when he's fought Thor and Avengers and Guardians Of The Galaxy and gave away him his Family, Mother and Tribe back to him and he stopped his crusader and walked away from Galactus himself.

Gor The Gods Butcher Became Gor The Protector and began preaching Odin and Asgardian Gods and Goddesses again and than Odin met Memphisto and wiped the smirks off his face by killing him in his home realm and uniting Dr Doom with His Mother, Father and Girlfriend Valentina and told him go screw off, remained two enemies Kang The Conquerer and Galactus.

Loki saw The King Kang and than called him out to a fight and he attacked him but Slyvie spilled Water on the Floor and he tripped down and before anything Slyvie killed him by shoving a Taser in the neck so hard it penetrated his necks skin and into his throat and blood dipped all over and Kangs guards attacked Hunters and Lokis killed them all ending them perfectly when Galactus came by and challenged them saying his 10 vs Loki and Slyvie and Slyvie said him to bring it on and he said soon before walking away and growing back his size.

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