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I opened my eyes and all I saw was a wet gray wall. fuck it was not a nightmare. It really happened that way. fuck fuck fuck

I stood up and walked around the room, I started to panic again. I hit the door and tried to break it open or something. I was so scared. I was angry. I was desperate. So many emotions were burning my head to explode. I dropped to the floor and couldn't do nothing but desperately yell for help. I knew that no one would hear me but deep in my consciousness there was still the possibility that someone would hear me.

"HELP ME! I WAS KIDNAPPED!!! HELP! PLEASE I AM DOWN HERE!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, tears running down my cheeks. My body began to shake again, more than it ever had before. fuck. Please.

my forehead began to sweat and everything was getting blurry, but i couldn't give up!

"why are you yelling so loud!" someone opened the door and ran to me and covered my mouth.

it was billie.

she held me tight but i kicked her with my legs and arms and tried to get away from her.

"shut up!" she yelled into my ear. but i didn't, i tried to keep striding but it only made me stop breathing and gasp for air. "stop it! you're only making it worse!" billie kept yelling into my ear. I stopped and tried not to tear myself away from Billie.

"there you go" she said and sat me down on my bed. I was breathing hastily and still crying. billie was just sitting next to me. she took my hand and saw that it was shaking.

"It's your own fault." she just said and left the room without another word.

i lay on my bed, my tears already dried. i stared at the ceiling and thought about billie's words. Was it really my fault? probably yes, if I hadn't made such a fuss, I wouldn't be feeling this way now.

I tried to arrange my thoughts in any kind of sequence, but it was not successful.

I lay on my bed for a few hours and asked myself so many questions that I couldn't imagine asking myself a day ago. my stomach was growling and I was thirsty, wondering if they would even give me something to eat.

i had not been here long, not even a day, but i felt as desperate as if i had been down there for years. what if i have to stay down there all my life?


after a few more hours, the door opened and billie entered. i looked at her and looked away again.

"are you hungry?" she asked, but her voice sounded soothing and worried. i nodded.

she disappeared again.

Billies POV:

She nodded. okay. i left the room and closed the door again. i went down the hall to the kitchen to bring y/n something to eat and drink. I felt bad, she was obviously having a panic attack and I didn't do anything. I know what panic attacks feel like, yet I didn't help her. Even though I kidnapped her and she is my spirit, she is important to me. So not in that way, but I couldn't shoot her.I went to the fridge and got her a bottle of water and a sandwich, Liv said we shouldn't waste our food on our hostages, but i did not care in this moment.

anyway, i went back to y/n, opened the door and sat with her on the bed.

"here" i gave her the food and the bottle and she started to eat.

" thank you."

i nodded and watched her eat. i guess she was uncomfortable being watched while she ate, so i looked away. 

After she finished eating, she asked me something.

"why me?"

"what?" i looked into her y/ec eyes.

"why did you take me?"

i sighed

"y/n what did i tell you? don't ask questions." i just said and went to get up.

"billie, wait." she said, i turned around.

" what?"

"i- i want you to stay." she said 

i frowned

"ah so you're doing the ordering around here now?"

"n-no you just meant i shouldn't ask questions, please i feel so alone?"

i sighed and sat down next to her again. i looked around the room, eww not really great here. well luckily we change the house soon anyway.

"billie, i have to ask questions though." y/n said after a while.

"do you have to?" i asked her and looked deep into her eyes. our faces almost seemed to touch.

she nodded in response to my question. "how long do i have to stay here?" she asked. i pushed her back and sat on her.

"as long as i want."

i said and pressed my lips to hers. she kissed me back and a short gentle kiss turned into a passionate one. her lips wanted more, mine too, she opened her mouth and i let my tongue fight with hers for dominace. of course i won.

i started to kiss her neck and searched for her sweet spot. she let out a little moan. found it. i kissed this spot several times and left hickeys on her neck.

"billie-" someone opened the door and interrupted us. Finneas stood in the doorway with his eyes wide open. "jinx said you're here, eh meeting is now but if you-" fuck right. i got up and left the room, leaving y/n with her hickeys. poor thing, i already noticed how needy she was.

----at the meeting; still POv billie

we were all in a large room sitting at a table; liv brought us something to drink and jinix started talking

"so what's the plan? anyone have any suggestions?" his gaze darted to each of us.

"well i'd say we need to get back to L.A. fast because if we wait any longer y/n will be missing for sure, so with police and everything" liv said. right.

"or we kill her" jinx suggested. bro, what's the point of having her here at all if we kill her then?

"or we leave them here, ask for the ransom and get out of here." said liv. "but our hideout in la is safer than here." i said.

"but the flight back would be risky af." added finn.

"we should shoot her." said jinx again. bruh, dumbass.

but after the meeting we decided to go back to LA because, as i said, the hideout there was safer than here. It seems remote and safe but there are often walkers and stuff going by.

finn said that we should be on our way to the airport tomorrow; we have a private jet so it shouldn't be a problem that she will be recognized during the flight. But at the airport itself there could be complications.

"hey yo guys, i have an idea; we need to dye y/n's hair so she won't be recognized." i said and jinx laughed. "bro what? you really think that will work?" "yeah why not, at least it'll make us a little safer." said finn. good, ima the y/n hair. luckily i had hair dye with me because my hair color was just growing out so i could dye it. i went to my suitcase in my room and rummaged around for the hair dye box. there it is. I think y/n will like blue hair, and if not then it doesn't matter because no one will see it after the flight anyway except me and the crew.

I went to y/n's room and opened the door slowly. she was lying on the floor. "y/n cutie, get you ass up" i wishper yelled. she got up. i walked up to her turned her around and handcuffed her.

"follow me"

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