Chapter 12

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"See you then" Mal closed the door and went up to Zoe's room and knocked on the door, "can I come in Zoe?" Mal asked,
"Ya come in" Mal came in and leaned up against the wall, "what did Sebastian want?"
"He is taking your case to court"
"What does that mean?"
"It means he is fighting for custody of you, it's a 2 day trial and it starts at 9 tomorrow"
"Do I have to go?"
"The whole point of this is to decide who you live with so yes"
"Okay, do you think I could be left alone for a while?"
"Of course, dinner is in 2 hours so be down stairs and ready to eat by then"
"Okay, thank you Mal"
"No problem Kid" Mal closed the door and Zoe laid out on her bed thinking about tomorrow, did she even miss Sebastian? Everyone here treated her amazingly. Did she even need Sebastian? In the end she decided she could see him again but she didn't have to talk, Zoe went down for dinner, read some more of her book and went to bed.
She woke up the next morning with clothes laying closer to her door, Zoe got out of bed and picked up the clothes, the first thing was a long black dress, the second piece was dark purple shorts for underneath, Zoe got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast,
"Good morning sleepy head," Rose said
"Hurry up and eat we have to leave in 10 minutes" Zoe ate her food fast and they all loaded into the car, they drove to a big building made of tan bricks, they walked inside and saw a big courtroom, they sat down on one side, Zoe looked over at the other and saw Sebastian and all of his friends sitting there,
"Order" the judge said banging his gavel on the table, "we are here to reopen the case of Zoe Watts, let's start with the defense"Steve got up and walked to the middle of the room,
"I think that Zoe should stay with us, after all it is what her father wanted, and in these past few days I have spent time with Zoe and have watched her grow to seem so unbelievably happy to be with us" Steve continued but Zoe wasn't paying attention, one of the things Steve said still clung with her, 'I have spent time with Zoe' now that Zoe was thinking about it, she only ever saw Steve at dinner, and he never made an effort to talk to her, and now that she was thinking about it the same went for Rose, Sofie and Rebecca, Zoe looked back up to see Sebastian standing at the front of the room.

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