Chapter 21

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The next day Sebastian dropped Zoe off at gymnastics and went to his press, practice was going normal, they had just started the tumble track,
"Okay I want you to try and land your flips on a harder mat, because when we do competitions you will have a small mat, get in a line and start" Zoe got in the line and was 3rd the two girls in front of her went and landed on their butts, it was Zoe's turn she ran did her back-handsprings and flipped over the block, but when she tried to land she landed wrong on her foot, she heard a slight snap, she fell to her back and clutched her foot, the coach ran over and kneeled down next to Zoe,
"Where does it hurt?" She asked,
"In my foot" Zoe said through pain, the coach looked at her foot and saw it was bent out of place,
"I need to call your dad" the coach yelled at one of the assistants coaches to call Sebastian and another to take the kids out for a water break, "i need your to breath with me" Zoe and the coach breathed together until the assistance coach came back over,
"He didn't answer" she said,
"Zoe, honey, do you have anyone else we can call?" Zoe's face was wet from tears,
"Umm, Chris you can call him, he is picking me up today"
"Okay, do you know his number?"
"Yes" Zoe told the assistance coach his number and she made the call, after a minute of them talking she put the phone on speaker and set it down near Zoe's ear,
"Zoe, are you alright?" Chris asked
"No, my foot really hurts"
"Okay, I am leaving set now, just stay on the phone with me"
"Okay please hurry"
"I am sweetie, it is just a 10 minute drive, just keep talking, tell me about the maze runner"
"Just tell me about it, explain it to me" Zoe started telling Chris about the first book when he interrupted her, "great job sweetie, I am right outside, I am going to hang up and come in and get you, okay?"
"Okay" Chris hung up and a few minutes later ran into the gym, he ran over to Zoe and bent down and stroked her hair and whipped her tears from her face,
"Okay try using your other foot to sit up" Chris said, Zoe did as she was told and was now sitting up, "good, I'm going to pick you up and put you in my car now okay?"
"Okay" Chris picked Zoe up and brought her out of the gym and into his car, he gently sat her down in the passenger's seat and got into the driver's seat, "where are we going?" Zoe asked,
"The emergency room"
"Is Seb there?"
"I don't think he will be there, kid"
"He is working, do you want me to call him?"
"Yes" Zoe said tears starting to fall down her cheek again, Chris called Sebastian and this time he answered,
"Hey, so Zoe got hurt and I am driving her to the emergency room"
"Oh my god, Sweetie are you okay?"
"It really hurts Seb"
"I bet it does, okay I am leaving now I will try to make it there"
"Please hurry, Daddy"
"I'm trying princess," Sebastian continued to try and comfort Zoe through the phone until Zoe and Chris made it to the emergency room, "just stay calm Princess, Chris will be with you the whole time and I will be there soon okay?"
"Okay daddy"
"I got this Seb, text me when you get here" Chris said,
"Will do, goodbye princess"
"Bye" Chris and Sebastian hung up and Chris parked the car, got out and picked up Zoe,

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