Chapter 20

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"Alright girls, we have room for 3 of you and 20 of you are trying out, so I want you to put your best foot forward, there will be no redos, get in a line and start with a quick 30 second floor routine, you will not know the music until you start" Zoe was a bit more scared at the coaches stern voice, but listened and got in the line, music started playing and Zoe walked into the middle of the floor, she could feel the music coming through the floors, she let the music lead her, she didn't recognize the song but she got on her hands and slowly lowered herself to the ground she tucked in her knees and put her hands behind her she used all her strength and lifted herself up into a handstand, she continued to wow the coach and when the music stopped she walked off the mat, she sat down and looked back to see Sebastian, Scarlet, Chris, and Tom clapping for her, Zoe smiled and waved to them, the rest of the kids went and they went on to the last event, "so for this it's more of a game but part of the tryout nonetheless, we are going to play a game of repete, for those of you who don't know how to play, one person starts and does a move then the next person does that move and adds one, then you keep doing all the moves if you hesitate or skip a move you are out, the goal is to be the last person left, got it?" Everyone nodded their heads and started, Zoe was focused and didn't miss a beat, she made sure to make her moves a bit harder in hopes that someone would fumble, and they did Zoe got 10 people out with her turns, it was now down to Zoe and one other girl, they went back a forth and Zoe knew she was best she had faced she needed a super hard move, she thought as she was working her way through the pre done moves, then she thought of it, she skipped over to one end of the floor and did a back spring into flip, the other girls mouth was open she didn't even start her turn, "amazing job Zoe, you are our winner" Zoe smiled and went back over to the other girls, "alright we have made our detection, we are picking Amilia, Sofie, and Zoe, good luck next time to everyone else, and to Amilia, Sofie, and Zoe, see you tomorrow for practice" everyone walked out of the room and went to their parents, Sebastian ran over and picked up Zoe giving her a quick kiss on the cheek,
"You did amazing, do you know if you made the team?"
"I did" Zoe said with a smile, everyone congratulated her and walked out to the car,
"Next stop set, when we get there you can go off with Chris, if you want to sweetie" Sebastian said,
"Okay Seb" they got to set and Chris picked up Zoe and put her on his shoulders, Zoe laughed and Chris walked into set,
"Make room for Zoe Stan" he said in a mocking voice, Zoe laughed again and saw Robert and Chris (Evans),
"Can we go over to Robert and Chris?" Zoe asked,
"Of course" Chris walked over to them and set Zoe down,
"Hello" Zoe said,
"Hey kid, how was Gymnastics?" Robert asked,
"I made the team" Zoe said with a big smile on her face,
"That's great" Chris said,
"When does it start?" Robert asked,
"You have to come back and tell us all about it" Chris said,
"I will" Zoe said with a small laugh, the rest of the day went on normal, the next day Sebastian and Zoe went to Gymnastics and then to set, Zoe told everyone how she did flips on the floor and trampoline and how she learned a new skill on the bar, it was like this everyday for about a week, after a class Sebastian walked over to Chris (Hemsworth),
"Hey man, do you think you could pick Zoe up after gymnastics tomorrow?"
"Of course, do you want me to bring her back here?"
"Yes that would be great, I have a lot of press tomorrow, I will come and get her in my way home, thanks again"
"It's not a problem, you have helped me with my kids many times and besides I adore Zoe" Sebastian smiled and went to find Zoe to take her home.

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