Jett Lawrence

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For: MotocrossGirl0101
Hope you like it!!

It was race day and you and Jett were getting ready to leave the hotel. You got in the car and Jett didn't talk to you the whole way there so you kinda got mad and said "Why aren't you talking to me, you okay" then Jett snapped back and said "I'm just nervous Y/n!!" You were in shock that Jett yelled at you. You arrived and you headed right into the trailer and didn't talk to Jett for a while. It was Heat 1 and you went out to tell him Good luck so you did. Then he got 2nd in that. Then you watched the 450 heat 1. Then it was time for Jett to go out so you said Good Luck but you were still pretty irritated from earlier. He had a bike malfunction but he still got 3rd. You watched the 450 heat 2 Krnny got 1st which was nice.

It was the 250 main event which you got super nervous. You rode down with Jett. He seemed to be in a better mood which was good. You gave him a kiss and he smiled, which was the first time you've seen him smile all day. He headed to the starting gate and you got nervous. The monster energy girl came out with the 30 second board and then soon enough the gates dropped. Jett got the holeshot!! He made a little mistake causing Justin Cooper to pass him. Then the whoops came and it was Jetts weakness but he was faster then Justin in them. Jett has the perfect rhythm while riding the whoops causing him to pass Justin, the next 4 laps went by super quick and the next thing you know Jett was crossing the finish line with a fist in the air! Jett won!!! You ran to the podium and he rode to you. It was a commercial break so you had time to talk. He kissed you and said "Y/n I'm so sorry about earlier, I love you!" You smiled and said "I love you to Jett, and I'm so proud of you!" He smiled and then talked to his mechanics. The commercial break was over and he went up to podium.

The girl asked him what he could've improved and he answered with "Well, I mean I think I did pretty good but overall I probably could work on the turns" then she asked him other questions. Jett thanked his mechanics and everyone then he said "Lastly I would like to thank my beautiful girlfriend y/n!" You smiled and he smiled back. Then he wanted you to be with him and his mechanics for the group picture. So yall took the picture and headed back.

He took a shower then he grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the group. He said "Y/n I'm so sorry about earlier and I didn't mean to be rude at all I just got so nervous! I love you so much and I would never yell at you like that" you pulled him into a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You said "Im sorry for making a big deal out of it" then you guys held hands and went up to a sky box that Jett had. You both sat on the couch and cuddled while watching the 450s race. Kenny got 1st and Chase got 2nd!! You both walked down to podium and congratulated them. Then it was time to go back to the hotel.

You and Jett layed in bed and watched movies. Then there was a knock on the door. Jett ran to it and the next thing you know he gave you flowers he also got some Chick-fil-a cause he knew it was your favorite. He grabbed a small box from the counter and gave you a necklace that had the letter "J" on it then he pulled a necklace out of the bottom of his shirt that had your initial on it. It was so sweet. Then Chase and Kenny came over cause they stayed in the same hallway and they decided to hang for a while. Then they left. Jett and you cuddled and then soon you both drifted to sleep.

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