peter parker's sleep paralysis

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Lewis POV 

Being Peter's/Spider man boyfriend is amazing everything about peter was perfect until it came to staying with him at the Avenger's tower because of the camera's everywhere I get they are for security but you can't really have your own privacy with out Tony stark seeing you which isn't great for me and Peter I always have too many people at my house and at his Aunt May the walls are too thin so a couple of times we have skipped school to do the naughty 

well anyway his room at the Avenger's Tower is great for cuddling and sleeping in so that's what we normally do is cuddle and sleep I was practically falling asleep when Steve carried peter in he looked adorable he was curled into Steve's chest I smiled at him "Steve just place him on the bed please" he nodded and laid him down I heard Peter whine softly "thanks Steve" "no problem Lewis sleep well" "You too Steve" he then walked out I heard some soft whimpers from peter and him moving around I tried waking him up but he wouldn't he was shaking I couldn't wake him up it was worrying me I pulled his head into my lap "baby I really need you to wake up now you're worrying me baby please" after he didn't wake up I called out to Jarvis "Jarvis open all doors from here to the infirmary and let Bruce Banner know what's going on with peter" I then realised I had to walk past all the Avengers who where in the main room so I decided on just picking up peter Bridesmaid style and I started to walk as fast as I could to the infirmary I had laid Peter's head against my chest I was literally only in boxers but I couldn't care less I then past everyone with peter in my arms I soon got to the infirmary "Bruce I need your help" "ok Lewis lay him on the bed" I done that "ok Lewis calm down tell me what happened" tony then came in "I-I don't know I saw him shaking in fear I g-guess I tried I really tried to wake him up but nothing happened" he nodded and started checking his vitals Tony helped while I just stood in the corner hoping they'd be able to help my Boyfriend Bruce walked over to me "Lewis it looks like he has gone into a sleep paralysis but he should wake up in a couple of hours ok" I nodded Tony left Bruce hugged me while I pulled up a chair and sat next to Peter holding his hand Bruce wasn't lying and he did wake up in a couple of hours when I saw that he had woke up I hugged him and kissed his cheek I was just glad he was ok he soon pulled me into an actual kissed Bruce came in and checked his vitals again and he was ok and able to leave all we done all day was just cuddle and a little making out 

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