Loki mpreg (2/2)

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Cass POV
Today me and Loki were going to tell the rest of the avengers he was pregnant he was only 7 months and I'm pretty sure everyone knew because you could kind of tell he was pregnant "Jarvis call everyone to the main room please" I helped Loki down the stairs keeping him attached to my arm he smiled at me when we got to the Front room I stood with Loki "so you're all probably wondering why I called you here so basically Loki is pregnant" a few people Cheered "but we still need another God father or a God mother Thor is already a God father and Loki is letting me choose and I already know who I'm going to pick please Steve come here" he looked shocked but stood up I trust him and he's a great friend and responsible "Steve Rogers will you please be the other god father to my child" "yes of course" I heard Loki gasp I turned to him he was grabbing his stomach I got on one side of him Thor ran to the other side we guided him to the floor he was leaning against Thor while squeezing my hand "Cass I think I've gone into labour ohhh" he squeezed my hand even tighter "ok everyone out except Loki and Thor" they all started to rush out I pulled down Loki's trousers and took off my shirt so it could cover his private parts I spread his legs open and he was already crowning "Loki baby you're crowning you need to push on the next contraction" he nodded "Jarvis I need you too order Steve to get a towel/blanket anything warm to keep the baby in some string and scissors" "ok he's now on the way Cass" Loki screamed I could tell he was now pushing I heard a knock on the door "come in Steve" he came in with everything in his hands he placed them on the couch he was about to leave when he heard Loki whimper his name "Steve" "yeah" "could you hold my hand" "of course" he got on the ground next to Loki clasping their hands together "Loki baby the heads out all we need now is 2 great pushes" he whimpered he was very exhausted Thor whipped Loki's hair off his forehead "I want to be on my knees" "ok" we all helped him into his hands and knees his head was on Thor's shoulder and Steve was rubbing his back Loki started to push one shoulder and then the second one came out so did the whole baby I caught it and straight away it started crying "Steve grab me the string and scissors please" he gave me them I cut the umbilical cord and gave our baby to him "Cass could we call her Ivy" I kissed his forehead "of course but I need to go wash her" he nodded and handed her to me I gently washed her in the sink I then grabbed a towel and dried her before wrapping her in a blanket Loki was now on his back against Thor still

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