Chapter 13

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"It's funny and adorable really, watching you trying to escape." North Korea commented, pushing you back into the crib as you were halfway up the railing. "You want me to leave so badly, don't you? Heh, I bet you also don't want me to watch you suffer. Well guess what kid? I'm not leaving so deal with it, 벌레." 

You clenched your tiny hands and stood up, bouncing on the mattress until you reached the point where you could touch the Korean's face. North didn't know what you were doing, but he found it amusing yet strange. However, he soon got a scar on his cheek with your nails, scratching his skin harshly. He glared at you as he hissed in pain, holding onto his cheek. 

"이 빌어먹을 개년아!" He exclaimed, swinging his hand at your face to attempt to smack you, but you ducked and avoided his attack. You laughed and continued to dodge his attacks, which frustrated the country. He shouted at you in his language, you not understanding a single word he was saying. You found it hilarious though and simply laughed at his anger.

The Korean eventually quit and got tired after wasting so much energy. He sat down and only watched you with a scary looking and intense gaze. He breathed heavily as his shoulders slowly went up and down. You smiled at him and stared back, hugging your cat plush. North found your stare to be quite creepy and unsettling considering your eyes and smile. They gave off a wicked and sinister aura. 

"Stop looking at me like that." He finally said, backing away slightly. 

You giggled and tossed your plush at him, which hit him straight in the face. He contained his anger within and put it back into your crib. You took it and did the exact same thing, infuriating the Korean with your silly little actions. This time he set your stuffed animal beside him and did not give it back to you.

"You are really annoying. Why did I even bring you up here? I could have let you get run over by vehicle." He folded his arms and legs, glaring at the space before him. He did not look away from that spot. Maybe he was daydreaming or something.

While he wasn't paying attention, you climbed out of your crib and landed on the floor. You kept your eyes on him as you crawled past him and to the door. Knocking on the metal, you unlocked it and rushed out. You glanced back and saw that North turned his head to look at you as the door locked itself. 

You quickened your pace and hid in a box as you heard running footsteps go past you. They came back and checked areas where you could have hid behind, but they left soon after. You pushed the folds of the cardboard away and crawled out of the box, heading back towards your room. You opened the door and went over to your little play area. 

Alarms rang across the building and soon enough British Empire, Britain, and North Korea rushed inside the room to see you playing with your blocks. British Empire pulled out her radio and spoke into it, calling off the alarm. She then tucked it away into her pocket and glared at the Korean, putting her hands on her hips.

"Do you think this is funny?" She asked.

"N—No! They...they did escape! I saw them! I swear!" North Korea stuttered anxiously.

"You take time out of my day just to pull a prank?" The woman stepped closer to the male. "If you ever do this again I will have your head on a spike, do you understand?"

The Korean nodded. "Y—Yes ma'am!"

"Now get out of my sight!" 

Within seconds the Korean was gone and out of the room. 

You looked at Britain who stared at you with a judgemental facial expression. He knew what you did and he was sort of glad yet angered because you basically did the same thing to him. You didn't get him in trouble or anything, but you did trick British Empire in both scenarios. 

"Mother, I recommend you put cameras in the room. It could have been possible that North Korea was right." Britain suggested.

His mother turned to him. "Oh really? Tell me, why was (Y/N) not out there but instead in here? They were not trying to escape, North only wanted to play a prank."

"You're being tricked! Clearly (Y/N) is getting you to believe that they are innocent so that later on they could….I don't know! You have to trust me, mother!" Britain begged, looking into her eyes.

She sighed and nodded. "Very well, I will have some of my workers install cameras here and outside in the hallways." 

British Empire walked up to you and scooped you up into her arms. She sat down on a rocking chair and set you on her lap. Britain glared at you and you returned the look. You raised your middle finger at him, not knowing what it meant. You saw America and his brother's do it whenever they were angry so you decided to do that.

"Mother! Did you see that?" Britain pointed to you.

"Hm? See what dear?" The woman looked down at you. 

You looked up at her and giggled, acting like nothing happened beforehand.

"Yes, I did!" She smiled and tickled you. You laughed and gently brushed her hand off.

You yawned and pointed your finger to the crib. British Empire understood and took you to your crib where she laid you down and covered you with your blanket. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and left the room with Britain, who swore to expose your actions sooner rather than later.



벌레- Worm

이 빌어먹을 개년아- You fucking bitch

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