Who ran over your pet and why

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ARIES: Poland, because he wanted to get rid of your happiness

TAURUS: Russia, he did it on accident and got you a new pet

GEMINI: U.K, You broke his new tea set

CANCER: Germany, you got tears all over his hard wood floor (If you get the reference Ily😻)

LEO: Nobody, I stopped anybody from doing it

LEO MEN: I did, I hate you

VIRGO: Estonia, you didn't go to her fashion show👹

LIBRA: I did, I hate ever single one of you, and I mean it with full offense🥰🥺

SCORPIO: Nobody, You keep your pet inside

SAGITTARIUS: Canada, you said McDonald's Pancakes were better than his

CAPRICORN: Nobody, you keep your pet inside

AQUARIUS: Estonia, Same as Virgo

PISCES: Nobody, I stopped them

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