Gays Can't Drive

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Bakers Circle was indeed relatively quiet when they arrived there the next morning. They'd split into the four vans and each approached the circle from a different road. From there, they'd split up into smaller groups and each took up an alleyway to lie in wait for the supply van.

Zetta slipped back into Shelwort Alley beside Rowan, discarding a large empty bottle into a nearby bin. She had approached Rowan with the idea before they left - street cleaners had been on strike for weeks so many main roads were packed with mud and sewage and if they were to pour a little water over it all then it would become a nice slip hazard for any high-speed police vehicles.

Zetta seemed to be coming up with a lot of good ideas recently.

"All set boss," Zetta said but Rowan merely grunted in response. Her eyes were trained on the main road cutting through the square (or rather circle). The transport would be coming down the road any second and all she could do was hope that Keels could get into it in time.

Rowan pressed her finger to her ear. "Keels, what's the status of this virus?" She heard them cursing under their breath. "Keels. Update, now."

"I'm in," he said quickly, "but it's a little harder to control than I thought, it's quite a large truck."

Rowan had been so focused on making sure he knew he could get control of the transport that she forgot to consider the fact that Keels had tried - and failed- several times to drive R.A.I.G's vans. She shook her head.

"Just get it here Keels, as best you can."

No more than a second later the large supply van turned the corner and tore down the road, swerving wildly. They all watched with bated breath as Keels fought with the controls. It slowed down a little as it reached the centre of Baker's Circle then the truck swerved and crashed into a lamp post.

"Smooth Keels, real smooth," Zetta muttered and Rowan had to agree, the crash wasn't exactly the subtle 'bringing the vehicle to a halt' that they had agreed on. Nevertheless, they had a job to do and now time really was of the essence - it wouldn't be long till someone reported the crash to the police.

Rowan pressed her finger to her ear again. "We'll take it from here Keels, make sure the vans are on standby."

"Yes, Boss."

"And Keels?" she added. "Stay the fuck away from the driver's seat."

Rowan switched off her earpiece to focus on the task ahead. "Move!" she ordered, starting forward towards the vehicle. The others all followed suit. Shaun and Leon began to pry the doors open with crowbars as Zetta broke into the front seat to seize any valuables.

Then they heard sirens.

"Shit!" Shaun cried. "It's barely been five minutes!"

Rowan looked towards the top of the road. They weren't here yet, there was still time. As soon as the doors were open she ordered the groups to start filling their bags with anything they could carry and then run back down the various alleys that they had come from.

Zetta climbed back out of the front seat and helped Rowan with the last of the supplies that they could carry just as the armoured trucks sped towards them. The two of them ducked into the nearest alley.

The truck's wheels screeched on the muddy road and there was an almighty crash. Rowan risked looking around the wall and saw one of the trucks on its side.

"Nice idea Brookes." She nudged Zetta on her way past. "Now let's move."

They slipped further down the small street and broke into a run.

A Winding Road to RevengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang