1st Birthday Letter

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Hey! Sorry I was gone for a month I forgot where I put my laptop where i do all my writing... But this is the next chapter! Enjoy!

It had been a full year since Molly had been with the Weasley's. She became the light they needed during their sorrowful moments, always laughing and smiling just like her father. She had taken a particular liking towards her fathers brother George, its as if she knew he was the saddest out of the Weasley's. On the day of her 1st birthday an owl had tapped on the Weasley's kitchen window holding a letter clutched in it's talons. 

Molly quickly opened the window to let the bird in and give it some oats whilst taking the letter from it, and looking down at it she gasped,

"Arthur!! Its here!" she says going towards her husband "Get the kids!" 


Once they had hoarded everyone together in the living room she opens the letter.


My Dearest Golden Treasure,

Happy 1st birthday my dear! It has been practically a full year since I held you in my arms. I miss you dearly but i know that this is what was best for you, to be around a loving family like you father's. And if you are reading this Mrs. Weasley thank you for taking my daughter into your humble abode and caring for her as you would your own. But just as promised I shall tell you how i met your father. (; ) 

We had initially met in our first year as do most people, but had not started talking until the middle of our second year as we were both in different houses. If I remember correctly I was targeted by one of his and his brothers pranks! I was drenched in this weird colored goo (still to this day don't know what it was) and he had come out of wherever he was hiding laughing is butt off. I was so angry I had started to hex him a little bit as revenge. 

"Stupid! Stupid! Boy! What was that for!" I said trying to get the weird substance off of my robes with my wand still pointed at him.

He laughs " Oh that was hilarious! I cant believe it worked! and on a Slytherin no less! laughing some more

I huffed " Stupid freaking Griffindor."

I then stomped away still hearing his heckling from down the hall, I headed towards the slytherin dorms wanting to get out of the destroyed robes. I did not see the trickster griffindor  for a couple of weeks and to that i was glad as i had found out he was an avid prankster, pranking many students especially slytherins with his twin brother.  The next time i did see him was in the library setting up a new prank of theirs.

" You do know I could tell on you and you would get on trouble if i wanted, yes?" I said sneaking up behind him 

He jumped dropping whatever he had in his hands "Geez! weirdo, what do you want?? Are  you still mad about what happened?"

" Yes off course I was! I had to ask father for some new robes!" I said get a tad bit annoyed

"Oh well" he says shrugging his shoulders"you should have watched where you were going if you didn't want o get hit."

I huffed even more annoyed by this heathen of a boy" Well whatever whats-your-face you should watch where your putting those things as someone less forgiving and mature decide to tell on you as a form of karma." I turned around going to find a seat as I regret talking to this boy again.

" Fred" he says behind me

"what?" I say turning to look back at him

" My name, Fred, Fred Weasley. You had called me whats-your-face among other names. Thought i'd tell you"

"Ah well Mr. Weasley I'm Silver." I say trying to be polite.

That was the first time I had a real conversation with your father and that was also the beginning of our strange relationship for the first few years. 

I love you dearly my little golden treasure

Signed, Silver

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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