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A big part of the story is being re- written, I advice you to reread the whole thing later when I have edited it all. I will say so here then

Hello guys!
Before the story starts I just wanna say somethings!

-In this book, everything will be platonic, no shipping or sexualizing anything!

I know technoblade has cancer which is very unfortunate, but in this story he will be fine. I send out my best wishes to techno and anyone else suffering from that horrible disease!

-this isn't about the real people its about the roleplay characters, I will therefore be using their roleplay names.

-I won't include all the characters since I don't know most of their roleplay personalities so it would be hard to write about them.

-This isn't my first book since I have written a lot but I'm still a beginner so don't expext a masterpiece.

-It's very hard to make an original story so some parts might look like parts from other books.

-I don't mind being corrected, if you find any mistakes please let me know so I can correct them! (English isn't my first language)

-If tommyinnit or any of the people somehow find this and want this to be taken down then it will be taken down!

-I might change somethings in the first chapters but if I do I will let you guys know!

Please don't read if you get triggered easily by one of the following TW:
-Body dismorphia
-self harm
-eating disorders

Oh and I might add some song references in some chapters so comment if you find them!

I hope you have a good day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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