Chapter 1: The Ad

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Y/n = Your Name

Tip: if you want to physically change Y/n to your own name in this story, theres an extension on the Chrome Web store called InteractiveFics that is used to replace Y/n -on any sight im pretty sure- and other words as well! :) 

It was my third day figuring out where I would get my first job. The first two days solely consisted of lazily skimming over the list of jobs on google. Jobs near me, jobs that wouldn't involve interacting with many people, but if I couldn't get that specific I guess I would just have to suck it up. Although I hated interacting with strangers, money was the most important thing for me, earning anything more than 13 dollars an hour was fine with me. I worked up the courage to walk into town, maybe I could find something more easily in person, plus maybe I would see Emma at the Early Riser Diner. It was almost 9am, and she'd usually be eating her breakfast at this time. Emma was my closest friend in White Pine Bay, one of my only friends really. I pushed open the heavy door of the Early Riser Diner, heard the familiar sound of the door bell above my head and spotted Emma in her usual seat. Like clockwork. She had her face in a book, and A plate of bacon, eggs, and hash browns in front of her. I sat myself down on the opposite side of the booth, waiting a couple seconds for her to notice me, but she didn't. I snuck one of her hash browns, then she looked up from her book.


"Oh, so now you notice me" I mumbled with a mouth full of hash brown

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" She questioned with a confused look, setting her book down

"Ummm, coming to see my bestie? Whats it look like?" I said back, this time swiping a piece of bacon

"Well it looks like your stealing my breakfast" She snickered, pulling her plate farther from me

"That too. Well actually, i'm job hunting. My mom thinks its about time."

"Here," She said, handing me the news paper she had next to her in the booth

"Theres always plenty of job ads in here, now let me read."

Next thing I knew there was a paper in my hand, and my best friend was ignoring me for a book. I laughed at Emma's need to focus on her reading, and did some myself. There was one and a half news paper pages full of job listings, but I could barely get through the first half without groaning out loud in agony.


"Whats wrong?" Emma said back in a laughing tone

"These are all boring, and plus I already saw most of these online." I folded the news paper, and set it back down on the table

"Entertain me, Emma." I said, waiting for her to look back up from her book, and she did.

"Hey, you where the one who decided to come sit with me, I dont owe you shit"

"Oh c'mon, you always have something new up your sleeve to show me, Decody"

she set her book down again, and after a moment of thinking hard, her face lit up. I knew she would come up with something

"Here watch this,"

she slid her plate and book down the table, and pulled out a penny from her pocket. She tried spinning using both hands, messing up a couple of times but eventually made it spin all around the table. I was surprised how long it kept going for, maybe a minute or even longer. She waited for the penny to stop completely before sliding it across the table for me to grab and speaking up again,

"Thats all I got" We both giggled at this simple, yet oddly entertaining moment before she shoved the news paper back into my hands

"Now, get back job hunting, make mom proud"

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