Chapter 2

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Castiel was sitting in the library and working on Sam's laptop when he heard the front door creak open.

- I said I'll be back soon, - Sam's voice echoed through the bunker.

- Hello.

- Did I miss something?- He asked, going down the stairs.
Cas closed the laptop and sat down on the couch.

- Dean woke up with a fever. I gave him an antipyretic, but it seems to me that he is still in a very bad condition. He fell asleep again almost immediately.

- Dean is pretty much exhausted, so it's not surprising. Don't worry, he'll get better soon.

- I know, but still ...- Cas sighed and put his hands on his knees. - I can't help him. He was shaking so badly ... I had to help you both. I should have been there.

Sam went downstairs and put the bags down. He walked over to the table and sat down on a chair beside Castiel.

- No, Cas. You did everything right. It was me who should have swapped shifts with him. Even though he said he was okay, I should have pressed him. - He paused for a while and then continued, - In any case, finding Lucifer is far more important than a couple of patients in Indiana.

- I know, but I have never got anything out of them.

- It's not your fault, I'll deal with them. - Sam opened his laptop and started looking for something - You stay here with him for now. Essentially, you are the only one who is safe next to Dean right now, and he needs supervision. So you would be very helpful.

- Okay. - Cas smiled slightly and leaned back on the sofa, - What should I do before he wakes up?
Sam was clearly very focused on something in the laptop and therefore did not answer him immediately.

- I don't know .. Cook something, we have almost no normal food left. - Sam finally tore his eyes away from the laptop and looked at Cas, - If it's not difficult for you, of course.

- It's a great idea, I'll try my best!- Cas smiled.

- Well then, thanks. - Sam looked back at the screen.
Castiel himself didn't understand what inspired him so much, but the very idea that he could cook something for Dean pleased him. This will be at least some contribution to his recovery since he cannot use his powers. And Dean will probably be terribly hungry when he wakes up. Cas got off the couch and walked briskly into the kitchen.

Sam stayed in the library for a couple of minutes, until he realized that not only can't he understand what he was reading, but he simply doesn't remember what the article was about. Reports about strange attacks and deaths flashed before his eyes. He could not find even the slightest connection between them, and, even more, which of them would indicate the involvement of Lucifer.
Sam is terribly tired. It was long drive home, and he was worried about Dean. This entire week had been difficult, the motel chairs were not the most comfortable, and the coffee from the machine caused a gag reflex. Before that, there was a search for the devil, which also had little resemblance to a resort. He yawned, rubbing his eyes with his hands. He truly needed some rest.

Leaving the library, he was walking past the kitchen when he suddenly stopped. Cas was there. His trench coat was hanging on a chair, he himself stood next to the stove in a white shirt. A couple of buttons on the top were undone, and a red apron was tied around his waist. It was tied a little tighter than necessary, which made his shirt wrinkle under the tension.

Cas fumbled with the spices, gradually pouring the contents of the small bags into the pot. Apparently, he was trying to make soup. For some reason Sam was very amused by this, he knew exactly who would like to see Cas in this outfit. Hiding behind the door, he took out his phone. After taking a photo and sending it, he laughed slightly and walked further into his room.

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