Chapter 12

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Dean woke up earlier this morning. The sky was lightening, lazily illuminating the insides of their small bedroom with warm light, making long shadows from the potted plants on the windowsill.

The windows were open, letting in the refreshing summer breeze, paper-thin curtains slightly swaying from the wind. Dean shivered, trying to get used to the air seeping to him through the covers.

He watched it every day for almost three years now: golden rays slowly entering the home they built together, aligning Cas' naked back.

Dean lifted himself on his elbows, looking at his love peacefully breathing in his sleep, his chest slowly rising and falling. He loved watching it, staying for longer in the bed, just looking at him, feeling the joy flowing through his body.

- Good morning, sweetheart, - he whispered, kissing Cas on the shoulder.

It became his habit for a long time now, waking up earlier than Cas, preparing breakfast for both of them, waiting for him to appear down the stairs with his hair all messed up. Ever since he became human, it seemed like he could never get enough sleep, as if he was trying to make up for all those lost years without it.

Dean couldn't complain. Cas looked peaceful and content, finally sleeping without the nightmares that followed him each time he wasn't awake. They appeared right after he lost his grace; forced him to wake up in the middle of the night, scared, crying, looking for help. Dean was there for him every time, holding him close to his heart, whispering words of reassurance and comfort.

"It's going to be alright".

"I'm right here".

"You are safe".

It's been a year since the nightmares stopped completely, but Dean still watches over him, checking his breathing every other night.

He got out of bed, stretching his arms and legs, yawning. Throwing another glance at Cas, just to make sure, he left the room. Sun wasn't bright enough to reach the hall, rays ending in the middle of the room, leaving halls in darkness. Dean didn't turn on the light and walked by memory instead. He knew every corner and turn, every place where the floor might creak or furniture be on the way. During their time together, this house really became their home.

Cas must've put his whole soul into it, staying in the Home Depot till the closing hours, trying to pick the color of the paint that would suit both the curtains and the couch. He picked the paintings that were hanging on the walls and took care of almost all the plants in their garden, from the grass to the pear tree next to the fence. Dean helped Cas with everything he needed, but after all, all this cozy atmosphere was made by one wonderful angel.

The coffee pot hissed as Dean turned it on, walking past it to the porch. They wouldn't eat inside that day.

This day was special.

Greeting the sun became his tradition, a certain way to start a new day. It was still hidden beyond the horizon, only a couple of rays desperately trying to pierce through it, arriving first on the land. The air was still cold; the grass covered in dew, though the birds already woke up, singing their quiet melody.

Dean sat down on the stairs, the wooden surface cold, wind chimes making a peaceful sound hanging from the roof. The entire day was already planned by him almost a week ago, so he enjoyed this insignificant moment of tranquility.

He heard the coffee machine turn off, but he remained there, filling his lungs with fresh air.

It has been a long time since he worked.

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