Chapter 5

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Perhaps time stopped, Cas couldn't say for sure.

Something was holding him back, he wasn't able to move to the side, say anything, breathe. It was a strange, mixed feeling, which was going through his entire body, piercing every inch of his skin, every eyelash, every fingertip. It was like an electric shock, tingling everything it touches, carrying a feeling of growing anxiety and uncertainty. He wanted to give everything up, run away as far as possible, hide from this all-consuming gaze, which was clearly penetrating the deepest part of his soul and left a caustic trace along it's way.

It seemed to touch him from all of his sides, investigate, subordinate him to it's will. It was scary how much it influenced him, how it took his breath away, how it made his legs tremble and his lips involuntarily tighten. It was a complete submission. Unquestioning, unconditional. Cas was terrified of how much power this feeling possessed, how much it enslaved him, how it deprived him of his will.
But he didn't step aside, didn't look away, didn't unclench his hand, didn't utter a sound, as if afraid to frighten it, fearing that it would end.

He didn't want to admit it, but he liked the feeling.

God, he loved it.

It was like a storm that caught you off guard in the middle night in a coniferous forest somewhere in the middle of March. A feeling of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, when the next clap of thunder brought a new flash of electricity, illuminating the dark cloudy sky. There was no escape from this, it was here, stretching tens of kilometers ahead, drowning everything in its path. The roaring wind tore pieces of dry bark from the mighty tall fir trees, carried them forward, tossed them to the side of the cracked asphalt road. Cas seemed to find himself in that forest, under that fir that could fall at any moment, succumb to the pressure exerted on it, but as if realizing that Cas had shrunk below, it stood, firmly grabbing its roots into the wet cold ground. It was a protected place, it was a feeling of unconditional security, trust.

Everything around him seemed to threaten to pull him out of there, tear him off that tree, sprinkle him with large drops of rain, completely wet his clothes, but the fir protected him, hugging him with its hot branches, as if with human hands, not allowing a single cold drop to reach his forehead.

It was warm there, even cozy, to some extent. The smell of pine needles, faint hints of sea buckthorn and a third, seemingly unrecognizable smell filled his lungs, warmed him from the inside. He didn't want to leave, let go, surrender to the storm. For the first time in a long time he felt in his place, exactly where he should have always been. It was such a beautiful place, such a beautiful fragrance, such a beautiful feeling, such beautiful eyes.

Such beautiful Dean.

He was standing directly opposite, towered over Cas, covering most of the room behind him with his broad, slightly dropped shoulders. His hot fingers wrapped around Cas's palm, completely covering it, as if hiding from the outside world and its danger. Only the two of them were here. No one else, not a single soul. Everything is as it should be, everything is as it needs to be.
Cas tried to inspect every detail, every seam on Dean's robe, every glint in his eyes, every freckle on his forehead and carefully save them, as if to capture on an old film camera, and then carry this precious photo in his shirt pocket, right on the chest...

Could Dean feel it too? What if he doesn't want to let go either? Maybe he knows something about it, he can explain what it is. Because it was unlike any spell Cas had ever encountered before..

Castiel took a deep breath, still staring at Dean's deep emerald eyes, and then murmured:

- Can you feel it too?

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