Chapter Four: Swap the Path

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My jaw had nearly fallen to the ground. One part of me rejected such foolishness, but the other sabotaged my mind with energy. But the only words that came from my mouth were:


Fidelis chuckled and began explaining:

- ''I know this seems out of the blue but...''

I cut him off:

 ''Out of the blue? Have you lost your mind? I am not allowed to take your place!''

Fidelis: ''First of all, since when do you listen to others? Second, they will not find out, not until they have accepted our fate. And third, I know how desperately you want to melt away from your ordinary life.''

My gaze avoided his, flashbacks poisoning my mind: following orders, not having the right to speak, doors locked from the outside, and being a woman in this world. Then I realized I disappeared for a while and shook my head, continuing:

''But fooling the Council?''

- ''So, this request is denied?''

''I did not finish!''

Fidelis smirked at me, letting me proceed:

''Well, I suppose I should hear you out. How do you plan to accomplish such clever foolishness?''

He kept on smirking which made me roll my eyes, but I was eager to learn his grandiose plan.

Fidelis: ''First, I shall travel to the ancient library where I shall linger for a few months. It will buy you time for the Council to acknowledge your worth of taking my place. You will have to prove yourself in the quest both mentally and physically, that you are ready for whatever horrors lie ahead. Prove that no one else is more worthy of the position than you. I will prevent the Council from sniffing and along the way I will penetrate into more attestation for your advocacy and send you cryptic letters which only you can open, any questions?''  

I froze for a while, but jumped in:

''Yes! First, what about the chosen ones, when they find out I am not one of them? Second, how can the Council give us time without knowing I took your place?! And third, the library?! You are not that humble to not notice.''

But he just smirked teasingly :

''Both of them know already.''

- ''What?''

He shrugged, then stared into my deep gray, startled eyes, expecting a further question from me.

''How do they know and why haven't they rejected the idea?''

- ''Because they do not care,'' he replied, his gaze turning more serious.

Silence sustained us until it was disturbed by the ocean's breath. Finally, Delly spoke up taking my hands in his:

''Gelida, this is our only chance to change our fate how we want it to. To thrive in order to survive.''

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