Chapter Six: The Journey Begins

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A gap in my life had already begun to fill. My guards, Garvahard and Nivalis had to join me, there was no fooling them, but they had to obey my orders without telling Father about my mischief. They were furious at first but once they heard me out, it reassured them, at least for a while. But I knew what truly lingered in their minds.

As we marched on our horses through the woods, Garvahard began to question me:

''Are you sure you want to do this, Gelida? There is still time to turn back.''

- ''I'm sure, so leave it be. From now on we don't look back anymore.'' I said firmly. That is how the discussion quickly ended.

Suddenly, it became oddly quiet and the horses stopped in their tracks, not daring to move forward. All of us had our eyes peeled dead ahead for any sign of danger, listening intently. POOF! A young teenager jumped out on the road, looking at us with curiosity. Before taking a step further he got swallowed by something huge! In one munch life was taken away from him. I gasped in horror as I heard bones crunching like branches. Our horses got startled, but we managed to control them. The beast turned its vicious dark eyes on us. His silhouette and horns as a bull, with bear claws, dragon fangs, and thick brown fur. My eyes suddenly turned bright blue with no pupils, and I reached down, connecting with Anaria to soothe her rapid-beating heart by leaning down and touching her hot chest. 

The monster charged at us, while I drew my sword and rode off pumped for action!

''Don't!'' shouted Nivalis, but I never listened.

I galloped ready for thrashing into action, not daring to blink while focused on my target! With only a few yards away, the beast was shot dead with two arrows in its forehead! His body thumping hard to the ground, spraying dirt on us! Anaria stopped with me frowning back at my guards who still had stretched bows in their arms.

''I could have handled it'' I said bitterly once they trotted to me.

- '' We are aware, but we must avoid any danger we can handle for you'' replied Garvahard.

I grunted annoyingly, already imagining how they would make everything boring. I understood they must protect me but putting someone else's life on the line is awful. ''I am sure there are going to be many occasions and I will be ready'' I thought.

The sunlight was gentle, the road sparked with life again, the birds chirping cutely, and the grass swayed with the wind. We would travel for days until we met our first destination, the 'Oak Wood Tavern' to grab a bite. All of us wore hoods not to draw attention. My men ordered ale as usual while I tried oak milk with pleasure, which filled my body with warmth and coziness inside, refreshing me. Next, Garvahard began to speak of the mission in his deep, low voice:

''What is the plan, Gelida? Do you know where to meet the chosen ones?''

Gelida: ''Yes, we shall get together in the Chester Woods, but before we get there a cave of tests awaits all three of us. A series of mental, physical, or elemental trials stay hidden there.

Then, Nivalis spoke in his warm, sympathetic voice:

''And have you heard any word from them? What is their judgment of Fidelis's replacement, my Lady?''

''Are they even aware?'' added Garvahard.

My thoughts whirled to make my words sound confident, while I took a sip of my beverage:

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