8: Loyal To A Fault

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A/N and here's where I come in. I think I might have a slightly different writing style however I think the plot is pretty solid and hopefully there are some cute moments.

As the Weird Sisters music drifted melodically through the room the lead singer cleared his throat and grabbed the mic.

"How we all feeling tonight!"

Gleeful screams of Hogwarts students immediately filled the room. Even though Lily hadn't been in the right frame of mind for the last 10 days, her party planning skills could not be faulted. Everyone was dressed to perfection and were jumping and dancing with wild abandon... apart from a few, obvious, exceptions.

"Now it's time for an old fashioned slow dance. So grab your partner and get ready!"

Excited murmurs spilled through the room. Awkward fourth years grabbed their crushes hands momentarily and made their way slowly through the crowd and to the floor. Some people without dates moved to the dance floor with their friends giggling, slightly embarrassed but ready to dance. Sixth years finished their snogging sessions and pushed to the front to get a good spot to parade their relationship to the rest of the year. This dance was a big deal for everyone, it was romantic and gave an excuse to hold the person you love the most in the world and have a moment to yourselves.

However to a certain distraught teenage boy, this particular dance was the epitome of despair. Everyone parading their love and happiness in front of him. A little inconsiderate, he thought.

His spiralling thoughts were broken by a hand on his arm,

"Come on James", muttered Mary sympathetically, "the slow dance is about to start"

Dragging him reluctantly to the dance floor, Mary took his arms and placed them on her waist. They slumped down, unenthusiastically, he wasn't really concentrating on her, that much was obvious. He was staring at Black and Evans, who were in the middle on the floor. To everyone else looking happy and comfortable but clearly feeling a little awkward at being that close.

To James however, this was their moment. As the music started, they glided effortlessly around the floor. They were always great dancers, he thought, their chemistry was electric. The slow waltz meant both were covered in the dim light, which completed Lily immensely. And Sirius too, he continued to torture himself bitterly, still feeling heartbroken and embarrassed.

He was sauntering along slowly with Mary, not looking stiff, but not looking effortless either. He longed desperately to walk over to Sirius and push him away, and dance into the night with Lily on his arm.

But although his reputation for being the centre of attention was widely known, he was not a confrontational person. Especially when it came to Sirius. He refused to make his life any harder than it has to be, Sirius was his brother and although he betrayed him, James still didn't want to hurt him.

James had been a source of comfort to Sirius since first year when he was distraught to be put in Gryffindor. From that moment in James had decided not to let anyone make him feel as though he couldn't do or be what he wanted. And that anyone included James himself.

He smirked and chuckled softly, James had been in love with this girl since day 1, and his best friend liked her for 2 minutes and was now dancing in an almost picturesque embrace. Maybe he wasn't as good a person as he thought. He'd tried to change for her but clearly it hadn't worked. It hadn't been enough.

Lily was having fun, but hadn't forgot her mission. She was starting to waver but kept her mind on track. This was the plan and she couldn't abort now. Anyway it might be a bit awkward to explain to him that actually, no, Sirius wasn't in love with her. And that, yes, all his friends had conspired against him just to make him jealous.

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