Mega Pack

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Thoughts are bold


"Harry! " Ron yelled from the kitchen, I woke up at the sound of ron yelling and saw ginny peacefully sleeping while cuddling me "Harry! come down for dinner" Ron yelled "tell him to bring ginny u idiot" sounded like Hermione "oh right..harry bring ginny too pls!"

I looked back at Ginny and gave her a kiss on her forehead "Hmm" she hummed "cmon love wake up don't u want dinner" I said with a smile "yea I do..cmon" with that ginny got up and soon after I got up we went down to the kitchen to see everyone except sirius..yes he is still alive and I have not forgotten how my twin has lied to me

"Mione...where is Sirius," I asked coming from the stairs "he went to the order he had to tell them that he is alive he'll be back in two to three days," Hermione said

"Harry...I am-" I cut of lindsay by saying " and ginny have to go somewhere likr right now alright"I said "Gin..oliver is here but she got more wolfs" "oh god..cmon then we will need the whole pack i guess" ginny thought "cmon" with that i quickly grabbed her arm and disapprated

Thrid person Pov

"Harry!" Fred said but was too late "its alright linds he will get over it when he clams down" nathan said to a crying lindsay "guys wait olivers here oh not now" Jana said in a irritated voice

They all went outside and transfromed in their wolf forms

"alright i guess i have the alpha here i want" oliver said coming forward to attack thats when two wolfs came and pushed her back and then 6 more wolfs joined those 2 "well u forgot to invite us then let me introduce our selfs" the red wolf said "I am fire, this is my mate ice" he said looking at the white wolf "he is solar and that's lunar that's swords she is dragger and u know those two" fire said "and u can call us the Mega Pack" Lunar said

"alight then if fire as introduced us then shall we began the party with that lighting and firey and the others launched them selfs at oliver's pack while we were just there standing in shock

"Should we do anything," Vic said "nah just stay here mate" George said in amazement as he was watching the fight

after  sometime oliver and lighting were both on the ground oliver's pack took oliver and ran back while lighting had very severe injuries

"god prongslette" firey said running towards lighting "brother!" solar said also coming everyone came including lindsay's pack

"mate u have to transform to heal or u will die" fire said

"fine "with that lightning tranformed back into harry

Lindsay's Pov

I saw harry insted of lightning on the ground before i could say anything the others also tranformed i saw firey into ginny, swords into neville dragger into luna and some more which i did not care for now

"U! How could u lie to me harry" I said as i slapped him

"Lindsay!" luna said 

"oh i was not the only one to lie remember u lied to rose " harry snapped

"u lied that ur a wolf blood and have a bloody pack," I said with anger

"well that was for to keep my pack safe and you but u also lied to me about my godfather DIEING" harry had raised his voice now

"Oh now i get it why everyone leaves u because u don't trust them with ur bloody secrets,everyone has died because of u" I said rasing my voice but then realised what i said "harry..i am sorr-" but before i could say anything he dissparated and then ginny got angry

"Lindsay how could u....he did this for his pack even if he didn't want to " ginny snapped

"Gin.....I already hate her but i will yell at her later i am going to see by brother" the boy who is solar said i could not see his face nor understand why he hated me but he left

"Gin...calm down alright cmon lets go to the lake " with that ginny, luna and the other two girls from their pack left "gosh what is happening u should not have done this lindsay" neville said

"nev its alright cmon" the boy said who was fire after they two left 

"linds its not ur fault" jana said as she hugged me

"how come not my own 3 friends lied and i snapped at them plus they are angry at me and my own brother, my twin he called me rose he never calls me that u know it and also very angry at him and i said everyone leaves around him and blamed him for the deaths god what have i done" I said

Sorry for the delay i was really busy gish i should have a timetable for everything srry again 

lots of love

signing out


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