Still not talking

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Hey u all..oh I see my sudden chapter Nah don't worry also this is 658 words

I see there hasn't been much hinny or golden squad but I will I promise

Thoughts are bold


Jack's POV

i mean how could she talk to me after she knows what she has done...I just can't forgive thoughts were interrupted by a voice

"Hey u want a brother to talk or want ur gf," Harry said 

"I guess first I wanna talk to my brother," I said "well then here I am," he said as he sat down next to me. there was a moment of silence when he spoke

"I know how it feels...and I won't force u either, linds did the wrong thing that time..just don't storm off, everyone was worried u know...I can say sorry if u want" harry said

" harry why would u say sorry......I am sorry actually for storming off, I should have act like an adult" I said "pfft...if ur gonna be older then who will I be" Harry said ruffling my hair

"Alright I'll send lucy here..spend some time alone with her while I spend time with my girl," Harry said smirking and while getting up

I nodded and rolled my eyes while smiling

Ginny's POV:-

(we came in the house after jake and  harry went)

"Hey, lucy u can go now," Harry said as he came back, lucy smiled and went to the lake

"harry did he forgive linds?" Nathan asked as he put a hand on Lindsay's shoulder who was looking at harry in hope but I knew the answer

"no, still not talking..and I suggest u also don't talk with him..its better that way" Harry said while stretching...Neville and Kim nodded while Lindsay was about to say something but luna cut her off

"guys getting late right let's go home shall we" she asked the pack they nodded and said quickly said their goodbyes and left even Jana and Vic left

"Love ur getting tired let's go to bed alright?" I asked as Lindsay was about to speak again

"sure gin...night guys" with that harry and I left to our room

and I am pretty sure the others too

When we entered the b bedroom harry just straight went to bed and laid down...I chuckled at his action

"What are u gonna just stay there don't u wanna cuddle," he said I went to him and cuddled him"today was a...really unique day," I said..he chuckled and kissed my forehead "yup never ever wanna see it again..hey gin?" he asked I hummed him to continue

"Thanks for always being there for me and always supporting me, loving me and-and I can't explain with words but I can give u two things first is this" he first kissed me I also kissed back ofc and then "and second tomorrow I have amazing picnic date planned for us somewhere alone and ahem," Harry said as he got up and held out his hand

"miss ginny weasely will u go on a date with me" I chuckled.. and placed my hand in his "ofc every bloody time u ask me on a date I will say yes," I said and kissed him again he smiled and kissed back

"ok and.....don't u wanna sleep now it's getting late...u will get black circles under ur eyes and I don't wanna go on a date tomorrow with a boy having dark circles," I said as I pulled away and laid back in the bed again

he chuckled..and layed beside me "oh is it u, night love" He said as he closed his eyes

"love u too...night," I said before I fell asleep

Hey guys hope u liked this chapter the next one is all about it's something I have in my mind for too long so stay tuned for that till then

Lots of love

Kara out(✿◡‿◡)

(kara is my nickname)

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