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Hey Ginny's family's reaction


Inside Burrow

"guys anyone knows where Ginny and Harry are its been a whole day they have gone on their 'date," Ron said while sitting couch, Lindsay shrugged and Hermione sat beside Ron "calm your nerves Ronald they are 23 they are allowed to go on late dates or stay anywhere"

"yes, but Harry's my brother and Ginny's he's sister" Lindsay sighs and sat Nathan "it's okay harry can handle his problems, u both have to stop seeing them as some 11-year-old teens," he said kissing Lindsay on the head and getting up to the kitchen "oh also Jana and Vic went to Vic's grandmother's house some family history something"

that's when Mrs and Mr weasely came 

"Hello kids, how's everyone doing?" Asked Mr weasely, somewhat curiously excited "we are fine dad, but why do u sound so excited?" Ron said getting up while giving them a hug

"oh so u don't know I thought they might have said...but never mind where are they?..harry and ginny? Molly asked, "they are supposed to be home yesterday night from their date but they have not returned!" Lindsay said, while molly smiled and looked at athur 'they might have gone to their friends first to tell them' she thought while on curiosity asked, "u guys said u weren't coming until next month, not that we are not happy, just asking you know,-" but was cut off by Lindsay who was holding her wand out along with Nathan, Hermione and Ron too

"Sorry, but just making sure, by seeing the previous events...Tell us something only u and we know"

"well when I first met u, I had thought lily was here and then ran to authur shaking him and asking him 'am I dead?! am I dead?!" and then when harry finally told ur name I had muttered 'oh she looks so much like lily except her eyes she has gotten that from James, blimey how proud those two would be right now seeing these two' while wiping a tear, and only u heard me and saw my tear"

Lindsay then put her wand back (everyone did the same) and looked at them "now answer my question mum, dad, how are u so early" Ron said looking at them "oh nothing Ron, it's just time will let u all know very soon" Mr weasely said and went upstairs with molly leaving the others confused "what did he mean ron" Nathan asked "well I don't know I am not that smart" he said and everyone turned to Hermione 

"wh-don't look at me, even if I am the sensible one I also didn't get the meaning!" she replied when they heard a knock "ginny harry pls tell ur siblings--oh its Fred and George, sorry mates," Nathan said after opening the door "but how are u so early here, ur joke shop closes at 8 pm" he finished 

"yeah we know its closes," Fred says

"at 8 pm sharp, but we got called early" George continues

"by who?" Hermione while keeping her book

"by harry " Fred continued

"and ginny" George finished "they called u here, but them selfs have not returned from their 'date'" Lindsay said while air quoting "oh might have been late,--" Fred was interrupted my harry and ginny who just showed up "calm down love, you'll be alright kay?" ginny said to a terrified harry

"Finally you decided to return back," ron said which received a smack on his hand from Hermione "yeah and why did you call us?" Fred said

"it was really hard to tell those people to get out" George cut him

"We couldn't tell them our sister and her boyfriend are calling us for something important," Fred said

"most likely future brother-in-law" George joked, Fred laughed while "shut up you two, and mostly you George," ron said

"I agree with it, no marriage talks," Lindsay said glaring at the twins with ron

"but what if he is saying the truth?" Ginny said from the sofa, (they had gone to the sofa while the others were talking) "yeah, sure" Lindsay said with sarcasm, "no Lindsay, she-*ahem!, don't be scared, u have already asked permission from her parents* telling the truth, " with that harry looked at ginny and then she put her right hand up and they announced together "we are engaged" and got positive reactions

well mostly



"BLOODY ARE NOT" *guess who it is

"Well that's surprising not," Fred said

"yeah, actually kinda was expecting, but I am happy, Don't you dare hurt her" George said hugging them

"yes, she has a lot of brothers, a dad, and a scary mom" Fred said, also hugging them

"Plus I think she would kill you first," George said chuckling but was quickly interrupted

"shut up you two, congrats harry and ginny, I am really happy," Hermione said hugging them and then seeing ginny's ring

"congrats both of you, well-done mate got yourself a good one" Nathan said giving both of them a hug, 


"AND YOU ARE MARRYING MY BROTHER! COULD HAVE ASKED US FIRST FOR PERMISSIONS" Lindsay yelled finally getting her voice, while ron nodded furiously

"Well I can make my own decisions rose as you did too, not a 5-year-old anymore" Harry snapped, "hush..whats all the notice kids," Mr weasely said coming downstairs

"well Mr weasely I just told them me and ginny are getting married," Harry said calmly

"she said, I mean I knew but just asking," molly asked joining athur, Harry nodded and both of them hugged ginny and harry

"and you two u both know harry is way better than dean or Cho so" Molly said looking at them, they seem to understand, took some while but then were happy about it, "congrats and sorry mate, well I am happy for you little sis" ron said giving harry a hug then ginny

"same, congrats you two" Lindsay said giving a hug to them

they all celebrated a little and now were scattered around the room, harry went to ginny who was near a window drinking some tea

"whose next," she asked 

"my godfather..and gin?" he asked somewhat nervously

"yeah?" she said looking at him

"will u help me with teddy" he asked

Ginny smiled and and hugged him "of course" Harry hugged her back he was so happy but thought still wondered in his mind

'if Sirius came back last year then, can Remus, tonks, Percy come back, can any dead be back'


Hey guys long time yup I know loads of drama is going on in my Real life so, hope you understand, I might not be able to write in next week cause my dad is coming home for holidays as he works somewhere else, byeee (also thanks for your support guys it means a lot)

loads of love

Kara out

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