3-Meeting again

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Three days quickly passed after Haechan had met Yangyang and Sungchan and they were, to say, more accepting of the affection he gives them considering that he had only met on the first day of school.

It made him a bit anxious, but he knows he shouldn't be this paranoid, calm down haechan, they're your friends after all, no red flags yet.. and they seem much more nice than the other people you met. He says to himself once waking up.

He also didn't go home with Mark on those days, which upsetted haechan since he'd always go home with him every school day they had. He understood he was busy with his new job as class supervisor; and Mark did text him from time to time, but he just missed the boy, I mean could you blame him? The older boy doesn't even walk with him in the morning since he had to go extra early.

After leaving his apartment, he now was running to Lee University when he bumped into a small figure, more specifically, Huang Renjun.

"Sorry about that junnie, you okay?", he asked hugging the younger who was busy fixing the collar of his long-sleeved polo shirt.

"Watch where you're going next time, you could have made me drop my new painting", the smaller grumbled as they were now walking beside each other, entering the school gates together. Only then did Haechan notice the average sized canvas the boy was holding on his side.

"Can I see what you've painted injunnie?", he asked the boy with begging eyes, but the other only rolled his eyes, "since when did you take interest in arts?",

"Well I take interest in myself and my mother said I am a piece of art so....", that made renjun scoff by the boy's self-confidence.

"Oh come on, injunnie! I promise to not sneak in to your oh so private studio when I'm bored again, please~", haechan pleaded, making the smaller of the two sigh, "ok fine, but you better stick to your promise and not get us both scolded by Professor Leechaiyapornkul again".

"Yayy! Thanks renjunnie", they stopped at a nearby bench in the school grounds that was in the shade of a big tree. As soon as the canvas was in the younger's hands, his eyes sparkled in amazement.

It was a painting of a fairy close to a waterfall. The color schems were vibrant, but calm to the eyes. There was no smudges anywhere, and the details popped out from the shimmer of the fairy wings to the fishes almost invisible in the water. Haechan still couldn't figure out how Renjun manage to create such masterpieces with just simple acrylics while he would still have trouble drawing a dog.

"Hey, earth to haechan?", snapping him out of his thoughts, the boy beside him seemed to have been eyeing the boy for quite a minute now, "you're face went blank for a second. So what do you think?"

"It's beautiful Injunnie. You're really amazing", the words came out of his mouth as just a breath, still having his eyes fixed on examining the painting.

"Wait, you're being serious right now?", Renjun double-checked, since when did haechan not have dramatic responses to everything? This boy right here seems to be caught in a transe. "I don't think it's my best work though"

He spoke too soon, "Not your best work?!", Haechan was now looking straight at him, breaking the so called transe he was in. "Have you even double-checked this Injunnie? Picasso is trembling in his boots now! It feels like I could jump in the whole scene and swim with the fairy right now. Really Injunnie, you're really amazing",
Some people were looking at their direction since haechan's voice was so strident.

Løve strucked by... Him? //Nct haechan haremWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu