War, not love

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Fenrir, Aristeus and Erebus were on their feet in an instant. Erebus looked ready to commit genocide, while Aristeus looked calm. The switch in demenour unnerved the werewolf alpha. Severus stepped forward, watching the two vampires warily. Lucius tightened his grip on his staff, while Remus and Sirius stood there, confused and slightly unnerved.
"How about we all just calm down." Lucius said gently, choosing his words carefully.
Erebus glared at him, and the blond took a step back. Fenrir stuck a hand out in front of Erebus.
"Tom, how did you find me?" Fenrir asked.
Tom glanced at him, "Severus."
"You are not welcome here. Leave. Now," Erebus hissed, "You are distressing my guests."
Tom turned his enraged eyes on the vampire, "Keep your hands off of Fenrir, you are distressing my snake."
Fenrir sighed heavilly, and he made his way over the Dark Lord. The werewolf walked past him, grabbed him by his cloak and dragged him out of the dining hall. Lucius wrung his arm around Severus' neck and dragged him away, muttering something about starting a scene. Remus and Sirius shared a look before following them out.

Fenrir dragged Tom through the camp site, his fists clenched. Tom allowed himself to be dragged, though begrudingly. He glared daggers at the ground, his arms folded stubbornly over his chest. Nagini slithered from around Tom's torso, up Fenrir's arm and around the werewolf's body. She nuzzled Fenrir's cheek happily.
"Hey girl," Fenrir chuckled, "Good to see you too."
Nagini hissed happily. The werewolf grinned at the snake.

Fenrir reached his tent, and tugged it open. He tossed Tom inside, who landed roughly on the air mattress. Fenrir turned back to the tent and snapped the zipepr closed. The werewolf turned back to Tom, his eyes narrowed angrilly.
"Why do you think it's alright to burst into Erebus' and Aristeus' castle, and point your wand at them?" The werewolf growled.
Tom pushed himself to his feet and folded his arms over his chest, "He had his hands on you."
Fenrir sighed irritably, "You can't be serious. He was touching my hand. There was no reason to aim your wand at him!"
"I was worried! When I went back to the village to talk to you, you weren't there!" Tom argued, "And when I finally found you, you were cuddling up with another man!"
Fenrir's eyes widened, "Cuddling up?! I was not cuddling up with him! We were talking! Erebus and his brother are giving my pack a home, Tom!" He shouted.
"What the hell was I supposed to think?!" Tom said defensively.
"HE WAS TOUCHING MY HAND NOT GROPING MY ASS!" Fenrir roared, throwing his hands up in the air in a fit of rage.

Lucius, Severus, Remus and Sirius, who were all listening outside of the tent, gave each other concerned looks.
"Do they always fight like this?" Sirius hissed.
"No," Severus replied, "Well, occasionally."
Lucius shuddered, "The last time they fought they broke my chandelier."
"I was worried, Fenrir! You looked so angry when you left-"
"Gee, I wonder fuckin' why!"

Tom huffed angrily, and folded his arms on his chest.
"Your strength isn't what I'm worried about, Fenrir!" Tom's voice cracked, "I'm scared of losing you!"
Fenrir's enraged face softened, and his clenched fists loosened. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His mind went blank. Fenrir simply stared at Tom, opening and closing his mouth to try to find words. 

A boom broke through the silence, making Fenrir wheel around.
"What the fuck was that?" Fenrir asked, moving over to the tent door.
Tom didn't respond, and wiped his face with his sleeve. Fenrir gripped the zipper between his fingers and snapped it open. A gust of fire zipped past the tent, setting the grass below ablaze. Fenrir leapt back instinctively, before dashing out of the tent.
"Fenrir! Wait!" Tom called, racing after the werewolf.

The tents were in ruins. Fire etched the dark sky, clinging to the easily flammible fabrics of the tents, stripping them to their metallic bone. One tent was left untouched, and that was Miss Amelia's tent. There was a shield spell curled around the tent, its gentle blue hue sparking as spells crashed against it. Fenrir let out a relieved sigh. The relief was short lived, however, when his eyes cast upon the castle. The werewolves were dancing left and right, leaping over and ducking under spells that soared at them. Some were clustered around the few with wands, clutching onto each other. They were terrified, screaming pleas and curses that were lost in the chaos. Lucius was near the edge of the tents, stuck in a heated battle with two fellow wizards Fenrir didn't recognise. Remus and Sirius were helping the werewolves get out of the battle, bearing cloaks with the hoods bowed over their heads. Fenrir lunged forward, but was instantly tugged back. A gust of flame splurged in the space where Fenrir was just standing, and he stumbled over his saviour's feet in surprise. Tom moved infront of him, and with a bellow of Avada Kedavra, the attacker fell dead on the floor. Tom turned to Fenrir, and stuck out his hand. Fenrir gazed at him for a second, before gripping the smaller hand. Fenrir pushed himself to his feet, smiling slightly at the gentle tugging from the Dark Lord. As soon as he was stable, Fenrir tugged Tom over to the castle, where most of the battle resided.
"How did they find us again!?" Fenrir shouted over the whipping of spells.
"I don't know! Let's just kill them before they kill us!" Tom replied shakily as he tried to keep up with the werewolf.

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