The lonely night

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Wounded. So many were wounded... Fenrir found himself pacing around as his werewolves tended to each other or themselves. He cradled Saros close, shielding him from the horrors surrounding them. The fires formed were put out relatively quickly by the few werewolves other than Fenrir that could use magic.

Miss Amelia had managed to keep the children safe and unharmed, and she was now keeping them in the castle with her as things were fixed up down below the castle. Fenrir paused just a little ways away from where his tent was. Erebus was waiting outside of it, his face - mostly the area around his mouth - and hands were covered in blood. He perked up when Fenrir got close enough.
"Fenrir," Erebus said quickly, rushing forward, "You have my deepest apologies about all of this! My brother and I did the best we could to fight off those wizards and-"
"Erebus," Fenrir cut him off, "Calm down, would'ya? Nobody in my pack is dead. Thank you for your help."
Erebus seemed relieved at Fenrir's words, "Well, I must insist that you all stay in the castle for the time being. It will be dawn in a few short hours and I suspect you are all in need of a good night's rest."
Fenrir looked at him for a moment, frowning a little. He looked down at Saros, who was already falling asleep quickly. The werewolf then looked around at his pack, who looked just as tired as Saros.
"Thank you, Erebus," Fenrir said after a moment of consideration.
This was for the pack and Saros. If it was just Fenrir, he would have rejected the offer. But now that he had a baby to look after and his entire pack homeless, he was willing to bend over backwards to make sure they could live comfortably.

Fenrir shifted Saros in his arms a little and glanced around at his pack.
"I will have rooms set up for all of you," He said, "You can have the room in the South tower. It overlooks the lake."
Fenrir grinned awkwardly, "You're too kind, Erebus," He offered his hand to the vampire, "Thank you."
Erebus took his hand and turned it. He placed a gentle kiss on Fenrir's knuckles before looking up at him with a small smile.
"Please, Alpha Fenrir," He said, "The pleasure is all mine." 
Quickly pulled his hand away and chuckled awkwardly.
"Well, thank you anyway," He said, half-turning to look over his pack, "I must be off and help my pack salvage what is left-"
"I can watch Saros for you, if you'd like," Erebus offered, holding his arms out, "I used to babysit my baby brother quite often."
Fenrir tightened his hold on Saros and offered Erebus the most patient smile he could forge - guess dating Tom really was beneficial in some cases - and shook his head.
"No need, I would hate to trouble you further," Fenrir turned his back on Erebus before he could interject, "Excuse me."

Fenrir walked off as quickly as he could, though he was weary as to not seem rude. Erebus watched him go, a frown forming over his face. An arm was suddenly thrown over his shoulder, making him jump.
"Seriously, little brother?" Aristeus asked as he rolled his eyes, "I thought you outgrew this phase. You know how insane it drove our baby brother."
Erebus shoved Aristeus' arm off of him and stepped away.
"Leave me to my affairs, brother," Erebus said hotly, folding his arms over his chest, "I leave you to yours."
Aristeus hummed, "As true as that is, Bus-Bus, I don't go for such... Pre-owned subjects for my pleasures."
Erebus rolled his eyes, "I told you to stop calling me that years ago, Aristeus!" He snapped, "Besides, you know nothing! You have never had any interest in anybody! You and our brother! How can you both butt into my business when you know nothing-"
Aristeus snapped his fingers and Erebus fell silent.
"As your elder brother, Erebus," He said lowly, leaning down so that he was eye-to-eye with the other vampire, "I took an oath to our bastard father to protect you, you and that potions-brewing half-blood we call a brother. This is me, telling you to back off. This will only end in your head on a stick and me being left alone for eternity. You drove your beloved baby brother away, don't think I'm going to let you get yourself killed because you're the baby again."

Aristeus straightened and he promptly flicked Erebus on the nose.
"Be as hospitable as you want," He went on, "Chase him around the globe. I don't care. This is the only help I'm offering you. Just because your father's favourite doesn't mean he can cheat death to save you anymore."
Before Erebus could respond, Aristeus disappeared into the shadows that coated the floor. Erebus was left staring at the spot is brother was standing, shaking violently from rage.

About two hours later, Fenrir could finally fall into a bed. His pack had all been placed in the same wing as Fenrir, as many of them had no qualms with bunking up with each other. Miss Amelia shared a room with the orphaned children from the incident, while those who didn't have families bunked up with their siblings or close friends. Everybody knew each other, some vaguely, others well enough that they might as well have known each other their whole lives. Fenrir was the only one not having to share a room, at least if you don't count Saros.

Saros was completely passed out. He had been strapped onto Fenrir's back with the use of a skilfully tied piece of fabric (that was tied by Miss Amelia) and had fallen asleep not long after. He stayed asleep as Fenrir changed his diaper and continued to snooze as Fenrir picked him back up and changed him into comfy-looking pyjamas that Rose had picked up. It was a dragon footsie onesie with wings, tail and a dragon's face in the hood. Fenrir had changed into some pyjama pants - though he chose to stay shirtless for the night - and cradled his son close to his chest as he made himself comfortable. Saros continued to sleep, undisturbed.

Fenrir never slept on his back, it was the most uncomfortable position in the world for him, but he stayed perfectly still on his back, his baby masquerading as a dragon sleeping on his chest like it was the comfiest bed in the world. He didn't have the heart to move Saros. Fenrir pulled the duvet up over him and Saros. He kept a hand on Saros' back as he closed his eyes.
"Love ya, kiddo," Fenrir murmured, "You better be comfy."
All that he got in return was a small snort-like snore. Fenrir snorted.
"Yer lucky that yer cute," He murmured around a yawn, "G'night, pup." 
It took Fenrir ages to actually get to sleep. It was a mixture of lying on his back, being in a strange castle and.... Fenrir snarled. No. He was angry with Tom. He's slept without him in his bed before and he will do it again.

Tom laid in bed, on his back with his duvet pulled up to his chest, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep, and Tom doubted he ever would get a good night's sleep for a while. Bellatrix and Narcissa were besides themselves with worry over Fenrir and Severus seemed completely shaken from the experience of that night. Bella, Rabastian and Rodolphus were staying with Narcissa and Lucius tonight. Lucius had said something about cradling his son and wife and never letting them go once they got back. Bella would most likely kick him out of bed in favour of her cuddling with her sister for comfort, so Lucius would either end up snuggling with the Lestrange brothers or bunking with the babies. The babies, most likely, as Lucius hated sleeping alone and he the brothers tended to sleep talk. Tom grunted in annoyance and turned his head to face the empty side of the bed. He missed Fenrir. Truly, he missed him. Regret tied knots in Tom's stomach, slowly killing him as he pictured the pain on Fenrir's face. Fenrir was a better leader than Tom would ever be. He treated his pack like they were his own family, not just some other werewolves who begged him for their mercy, or muggles he had turned in the horrific night of the full moon. Tom remembered how much he hated full moon nights. Fenrir was never with him and the morning after he would spend sleeping through a night of hunting and running. Tom always woke up to muddy and bloody sheets, it's why he never allowed anything white in the bedroom.

With a groan, Tom sat up. Nagini - from her spot under the bed - watched as the dark lord stormed out of the room. Tom went straight to his study with the intent of writing a letter to Fenrir - the only form for communication that Tom could think of that Fenrir might actually entertain.

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