Social Media

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General POV

After a week of Ava being missing and no leads, Connor had begun to loose hope of ever seeing her again and he hated to think that the last thing he said to her was the accusation that she had seduced and slept with his father all for the Hybrid OR. Everyone in the hospital were tense, they didn't know who had taken Ava, why they had taken her or what on earth they were doing to her, Were they hurting her? would they kill her? and they didn't know if the kidnapper would come back for more hospital staff.

Connor POV

I feel alone, Ava is my best friend. Well, I mean I wish it were more, I wish it could go back to how it was, I wish I could take back what I said But I'm not sure I will be able to do that now. 

I walked into the the ED to start my sift at MED and something felt different. the atmosphere, everyone was tense, scared, nervous. More than before. It was like something had come up, they knew something. I saw everyone crowded found a computer at the nurses station, Maggie looked saw me and called me over.

Maggie: Connor! you need to see this, come here now!

I walked over and joined them all, when they saw me there they all moved to the side so I could easily see what was on the computer. I looked at it and my heart sank. It was a livestream on social media, it was in an abandoned factory or warehouse and sitting on a chair in the middle was her. Ava. It was Ava. She was alive, but she had a blackeye and cuts and scratches all over her face. She wasn't looking at the camera, I don't think she even knew she was being videoed. Even though she was in such a terrible, terrifying situation, she still looked determined, she still had that 'Ava look' the look she had when she was forming a plan. I've gotten to know that look in surgery when their is a complication. 

General POV

No one could tell where she was being held, there was no identification factors. No signs, no logos, nothing. Not even the police department could determine the location of where she was being held captive, but they were putting all there time and effort into finding her and getting her home, hopefully safe. 

Over the next few days everyone at MED and PD were watching the stream, looking for leads, or indicators into where she was. Up until now Ava had been alone in the room, but one day they all watched as a man walked in.

Kidnapper: you disrespected me last time we spoke. so I don't think you deserve the luxury of that chair your sitting on.

He cut the zip ties that were so tight - they were practically cutting off Ava's circulation - off with the knife he had earlier. He flung Ava off the chair and took it with him outside before closing the door behind him, leaving her alone again. Ava was lying on the ground with her hand on her head, that she had knocked off the ground as she fell. She looked at her hand as saw blood, she had cut her forehead but it was nothing to serious, just a shallow graze. 

Connor POV

I watched as Ava lay thereon the ground, by herself. she was hurt, I could see blood but I couldn't tell how bad it was. I was even more worried about her now, what if she had a concussion? or a bleed on the brain? but what worried me most was the fact that I knew that things would get worse for Ava before we could find her. It felt like I was sitting on my couch for hours, just watching Ava lie there with blood trickling down her face. I felt helpless, like there was nothing I could do to help her. then I got a call, it was Jay

Connor: Hey, what's up? do you have a lead?

Jay: No Connor, I'm sorry bud. But we do have an update

Connor: yeah? go ahead 

Jay: no matter how many people report the livestream it won't be taken down, even when we contacted the social media app to force it to be taken down it didn't work. It appears that whoever kidnapped Dr Bekker and created the account has somehow hacked into the system and it is impossible for us to be taken down. But we don' think that this needs to be a bad thing

Connor: what does that mean?

Jay: well, the stream id the only lead we have, so if it were to be taken down then we could be back to square one, does that make sense?

Connor: yeah, yeah that makes sense. I got it

Jay: Good. We have someone at PD watching the stream at all times, everyone is chipping in. Connor

Connor: mm-h-mm

Jay: We are going to find her, Okay?

Connor: yeah

After I hung up I put my head in my hands and let out a huge sigh. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I was far too stressed out. So I got my laptop at sat at the kitchen island and continued to watch the livestream. Even though Ava didn't know I was watching, she didn't even know she was being filmed, I felt like I was with her. 

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