Welcome Back

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~X A/N Just a little heads up, this is the last chapter of this book, but I'm going to do a sequel to it! X~


It was my first day back at work After two weeks of home resting, I have to admit I was obviously so happy to get back to work but I was actually nervous, It had been almost 2 months since I had been at work. 

I was getting ready for the day in the bathroom, Connor hadn't stayed with me for a couple days, so I was alone. I put my bra on and was about to put on my long sleeve top (that I wear under my scrubs) on when I looked in the mirror and saw my surgery scar, I stared at it for a moment and then I turned my body so that I could see my back and I looked at my GSW scar. I remembered the events that happened just under 2 months before. I shook it of and continued getting ready for the day at work. 

I walked into MED and headed to the staff lounge. I opened the door and turned the light on 'that's strange, the lights are never turned off in here' I thought to myself. As the room light up, I saw balloons and a banner saying 'Welcome back Dr Bekker' and then everyone jumped out with party poppers and they all cheered

Ava: Wow! Thank you everyone 

(All): No problem 

Mrs Goodwin: It's so good to have you back with us Dr Bekker. Now everyone back to work 

As everyone left the staff lounge I went over to my locker. Natalie was also at her locker, she came over and gave me a big hug

Natalie: It's so good to see you Ava

Ava: It's only been 2 weeks since I saw you Nat

Natalie: Yeah, but that was as my patient not my colleague and my friend 

Ava: Well as your colleague I think you should get back to work *chuckled* 

Natalie: hahaha That's the Ava I know, only back 5 minutes and already back to the bossy cardio queen 

Ava: What can I say, It's good to be back 

Natalie: Well I'll see you later Ava, How about lunch?

Ava: Definitely, see ya

Connor POV

I stepped into the ED and through the glass wall, saw Ava standing at her locker as Natalie left the room. I headed over. I opened the door and Ava turned around smiling.

Connor: Well someone's happy

Ava: Of course, I' back!

I walked over and brought her in for a huge hug

Connor: That just means that you'll be yelling at me in surgeries 

Ava: Don't lie to yourself, you know you missed me in the OR

At that moment, both our pagers went off at the same time

Connor: And looks like that yelling will be happening right now *chuckle*

We were both needed for a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft. Our first time in the OR together since the night she was kidnapped. So much has changed since then.  We both began walking to the OR to scrub in.


As we walked through the scrub room, I saw so many people that I hadn't seen in so long. 'welcome back Dr Bekker' 'So good to see you back' they all kept saying. It felt so good to be back, But I kind of wished that people stopped making a big deal of it and I just wanted to get back to how things were before. 

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