Chapter Three

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Tony is working on something in his little workshop, Spencer has come to find that an everyday occurrence, but what isn't an everyday thing, is that this time he's working on something that is not his suit. It's a large metallic chamber that is already taking up the back part of the workshop, pushed up against the wall. Tony is sat on the floor, welding two sides of the chamber together.

"What is that?" Spencer asks, Tony stands, setting down his welding equipment before he wipes his hands on a cloth before he moves to his wife as she pulls her cardigan around her body to shield her from the cold down here.

"You, being the amazing wife you are, support the crap out of me with the whole Iron Man thing" She nods in agreement. "So right now...I am building a fire-proof chamber for you to use, to work on your control..." he touches her arms as she smiles at him. She can't believe he thought to do that for her. "So...once you can control it, you will know that you can't hurt me, or the kids..." She hums a little. "It will also be big enough that, should you feel like you need it, you can sleep in there....for now," She unfolds her arms and then wraps them around his neck, pulling him closer. "I'd rather share your bed, Spence, but...not if it scares you" She strokes the back of his head. She is actually rather touched by this gesture. He's been so busy with Iron Man, and she gets that, it's important to him, but that he's taken time to do something for her. To make her feel better. It means a lot to her.

"I can get a hold on this" She promises him, "It won't be for long..."

"I know" He stops her and kisses her head. "My wife is crazy badass" She smiles and hugs him tightly. "She can do anything" He adds warmly. "Even believe in me" He pulls back and touches her cheek with a smirk. "How can I give her any less faith?"

"You're such a sap" She teases, he smirks and pokes her nose. "But thank you" She whispers. He hums and nods.

"Why don't you and your brothers take the kiddos to the park whilst I finish this?" He asks. "Pick up some dinner on the way back....?" She taps her fingers on her arms as she nods. Spending some time with her brothers after everything that came out about her and her actual relationship with them, might help smooth it all out. Plus she always loves spending time with her children. It might also take her mind off of what is happening to her. To do something normal and human.


Spencer hums to the twins as she straps them into the car, Trinity sings along to the tune from her car seat between the twins, her hand resting on Serenity's head so she can feel the vibrations, even though the girl can hear her fine now with her aids. Spencer chuckles a little and pulls Trinity's stuffed wolf from her pocket and hands it over. Dean walks towards the car, carrying a cooler with him.

"I made sandwiches" Dean offers and hands over the cooler, Spencer raises an eyebrow at him.

"By sandwiches you mean?" She asks him, giving him a look because she knows what Dean considers to be food. 

"PB & J" Dean answers. "Perfect kids meal" He teases. "You used to love them" He defends, Spencer smirks a little and shares a look with Trinity who shrugs.

"I like them" She assures them. Spencer hums and sets the cooler between the seats on the floor.

"Look" Dean starts, leaning against the car. Spencer leans up and looks at him. "I know things are going to be weird" He offers. "But, Spence, you are our sister, okay?" She smirks a little and shrugs. "Dad raised you and loved you like one of us, so...." Dean touches her arm. "Whatever this new thing with you is or means....we're still going to be here as your brothers, everything we've been through, everything that we've done...." She suddenly hugs him tightly. Dean is a little surprised but he does hug her back, playing with her hair a little. He can imagine how tough this must be. To suddenly be told that her family isn't what she thought it was, that she's not even human anymore. That her children aren't really what she thought. They have no idea how much of this the three of them have inherited from her. If they're like her. If they're human. She has no idea how this works. She's the first of her kind, as far as she is aware, and so all the rules are unknown. Spencer pulls back from Dean and goes about closing the car door on the kids before climbing in herself. Dean lets out a breath knowing she's fleeing from a moment of emotional vulnerability. He looks across at the impala where Sam is waiting, Sam shrugs a little. He knows to just let Spencer deal with it her own way. She's an adult. Has her own way of doing things.

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