Chapter Four

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By the time Spencer returns from the park with her children and her brothers, Tony has completed the chamber. It stands against the far side of the garage, tucked away, meant to give her privacy when using it. And standing in front of it, Spencer finds it a lot scarier than she thought it would be. There is something about it. The cold grey metal. Intimidating. It means that this whole fire thing is real. That everything is sinking in. Dean, Sam, and Tony stand at his computer as Tony sets up the software to monitor the inside of the chamber. To monitor Spencer.

"Want to give it a test?" Tony asks, Spencer looks back over her shoulder at him. She knows he means well, and that testing it out will allow her to see that it works against her. That proves it can keep her family safe from her. She nods a little and turns back to the chamber before walking into it. The door shuts and locks behind her with a heavy click. Echoing through the chamber. Ominous. She takes a shaky breath as she moves to the centre of the chamber, her eyes scanning around. There is a metal-framed bed set against the wall, a tv on the wall, a bookshelf, things that she would find comfortable if she needs to sleep in here. A photo of her family on the bedside table. Tony's really thought about it. She swallows her emotions and glances up at the camera, gives another nod. That she's ready to try this. "Okay, just take a deep breath" Tony offers. "When you're ready..." She takes a deep breath and holds out her hands, concentrating on pulling on the fire inside of her. Tony nods as he moves to the computer to check the readings, Sam and Dean gather around the computer screen showing a camera feed from inside the chamber. Spencer stands in the centre, her hands ablaze. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, trying not to freak out over this. "See" Tony offers through a mic set up. She shakes her head and moves towards the wall of the chamber, reaching out to touch the metal. This will be the real test. If it can withstand the fire. Tony glances at the read out screen, watches as she increased the temperature. They have no idea what the upper limit of that is going to be. Spencer's eyes begin to glow orange as she stares at the wall. But it doesn't give. The flames barely even give it a singed look. She pulls her hands back and turns off the flames. Tony lets out a relieved breath and nods. This is going to work. He can take care of his supernatural wife. He was starting to worry he'll get left behind. That's not his world. He's human. But he wants to be there with her. To stand at her side. And to do that, he has to adapt with her. He has to learn and understand and be prepared for it. Spencer is going to have to teach him everything she knows about that world already. The door opens and Spencer steps out into the garage. Tony moving towards her with a soft encouraging smile.

"See?" He teases. "Whose husband is super smart?" She fights a smirk as he touches her arms. "You can do this, Spencer" He assures her, she nods a little and then leans into his chest, letting him wrap his arms around her. Sam and Dean share a look behind them, Dean shrugs a little. Spencer is going to struggle with what is coming. They both are. But Tony might be the one thing that will help Spencer reach her true potential. They work well as a team. Together. They've already proven that.


A few weeks later:

Spencer yawns as she moves around the kitchen, getting her own breakfast ready after dealing with the children when she notices a note on the fridge, she cocks her head and pulls the piece of paper from under a magnet before she turns to Tony sat with the kids.

"Emergency text from Chuck" She reads and then sets the note back against the fridge. "Must be serious" She moves back to the coffee machine as it beeps, Tony and Trinity making faces at one another at the dining table, the twins happily tucking into their fruit-filled breakfast.

"We knew they wouldn't stick around forever" Tony offers. "It's not what they do, and now you're more comfortable with your abilities...."

"It's still an issue" She argues as she pours out her coffee. She's still not 100% certain of herself, but has been pushing her abilities when she can, when she has the time to do so. She still has flashes sometimes. When she can feel the heat inside of her rising. Threatening to erupt, which causes her to retreat to the chamber. She's been trying really hard, with everything she has to get a handle on her powers. For herself. For Tony. For Trinity. For the twins. Their first birthday is around the corner, literally days away and she wants to be able to see it through without an episode. She doesn't want to accidentally set their birthday cake on fire or something.

"But you will get it" Tony argues and then sticks his tongue out at Spencer who gives him a look back. "Oh, sorry, that was meant for her" He points at Trinity who chuckles and looks at her mother. Spencer smiles softly at her. Trinity reaches up for Spencer's face, her eyes sparkling with joy and excitement. It doesn't take long for Spencer to realise what it is exactly that Trinity is looking at and reaching for. She gasps slightly. "What?" Tony asks.

"She can see me" She whispers as Trinity moves her hands around her face, not touching her, no, Trinity is touching the aura. Meaning that she has some of what she is in her, which makes Trinity supernatural. Tony frowns. "My aura" Spencer corrects for him. "Like with Castiel..."

"Oh, the flaming fox-dog thing" Tony realises and touches Trinity's hair, his eyes softening when he realises what this means too. "Oh no, flaming toddlers" He comments with eyes wide. That is going to be a nightmare. Spencer reaches up and touches her neck where her necklace used to sit.

"Maybe we can find another necklace" She offers. "Or if mine works on her...."

"You want to do to her what they did to you?" Tony muses. She shakes her head.

"Just till she's old enough to be taught proper control" Spencer defends. "A few more years...when she's ten...eleven....old enough to understand the consequences...." Tony sighs a little but can understand why she feels that way. It is a good plan and it is not them planning on hiding it from her. It's about preparing her the right way. "We can talk about it, and teach her about it all but powers....she will need to be careful"

"I agree" Tony offers, Spencer looks at him, a little surprised. "Fire is a big deal and it's dangerous" He adds. "She needs to be ready and until she can get her head around it, she shouldn't have access to them" Spencer nods in agreement. "We can do this too" He assures her. "Raise her, all of them if that's what it turns out to be, with these gifts...." He reaches out for Spencer and she takes his hand, his fingers squeezing softly, reassuring her. He has had his wobbles over the last two years, and she's been there with soft words and smiles to make him feel better, now it's his turn to do the same for her. 

(3) Vulpes Infernum (T. Stark) **On Hiatus**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora