Here | CHAPTER 1

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My son was rippling with excitement has we pulled up outside the well known 'Charlie's Pizzeria'. 

I don't know why the kids love this place, especially the animatronics. They're creepy.. that's what most of the adults say, anyways. And, coming from a 27 year old, I'd say they are.

Well, any way, enough about that. 

Once we got inside, my ears deafened with the sound of babies crying, kids shouting, people talking and the animatronics singing. We had booked the table nearest the stage (My son, Trevor, insisted).

As we sat down, the waiter came to our table and took our orders. Trevor marvelled at the animatronics, singing their songs that are sung everyday. Do they ever update those songs?



I was always told to stay away from behind the stage. It was the the coolest — and most creepiest — part of the place! I bet Charlie and his friends stay back there, when I don't see him.

Lately daddy has been worrying about something. I'm not sure what this something is however, but it's something I want to know. He always uses a torch at night, and he ruffles his long, black hair in deep frustration. 

Eh. I shouldn't worry.

I was playing at some arcade game -  not sure which — when I noticed the door to backstage was open ajar. It was moving slightly, wavering slowly, as if it was waiting for someone to open it. I wanted to be that person.

I checked my surroundings, any staff, anyone, and darted fo the door. Crouching down behind a bin, so no-one could see me, I peered slightly into the abyss of backstage.

It was dark, but two white, twinkling light dominated the room. They were eyes — I knew it — the dark pupils in the middle were darting around the room, as if looking for something.


Suddenly the door was slammed shut by a ginger haired man, who stared down at me with expressionless green eyes. 

'Don't go in there bud,' he looked into my eyes. 'It's... uh... hm..' pausing, he looked away, into the myriad of twirling and dancing children. 'Nevermind. Just — don't go there.' And with that, he took off, joining that myriad.

What a strange man.


I've been worrying all morning.

It's the day after that everlasting, ear-piercing, day at Charlie's and I'm worrying. 

I've been worrying for months.

You see, my job is a secret, a special job, that only my co-workers (obviously) and parents know of. The building was old and tatty, with broken lights and stained walls. In offices, books and case files were strewn all over the floor, making it especially hard to even enter.

I was a 'Ghost Caller'.

A Ghost Caller is a specific job. Find out what the ghost is, survive a 'hunt', call the Exorcisers then get the money. Easy.

But what had been on my mind wasn't of course easy.

'What's up with ya, Gray?' Rover asked — his reddish-brown hair falling down his eyes.

"Nothing, it's just..' I paused.

'What?' The quizzical Rover asked, his head tilting slightly to the left. I was sitting on my tatty office chair, scanning through the recent client calls I had noted down, and Rover was leaning over next to me, taking notice of my furrowed brow.

'Calls have been getting more frequent. Each call is sounding like a usual - a Shade or Spirit, perhaps a more powerful one like a Faded Fall or Oni, but they get more frequent. Anyway...' I looked down at the paper. 'I'm worried this is the start of something. You probably think I'm totally weird or something but.. deep sigh... I got 27 calls this morning. 27. And you think that's normal? I think not. 27 and it's only 7:30.. I started at 6:50!!' I was in terror. If this continued, death would shroud the whole of the neighbourhood. Even the whole city.

'Woah there, Gray. Are you overreacting? I agree, it's a little abnormal, but more money... right?' Rover gave off an awkward laugh.

'That's not the way to look at it. And no, I'm NOT overreacting!' I slammed a fist on the table in frustration. Maybe I was.

Fortunately, the phone rang and Rover could now shut up. '28...' I sighed.

I wasn't overreacting.

Was I?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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