chapyer 1

26 1 8

"wendy, your mother is here to pick you up!" madam gazelle yelled out as she walked into the room.

peppa being the nosy bitch she is turned over to wendy, "wendy. why are you getting picked up early today?"

"it's because my twin is coming home today!" wendy says looking at peppa. "you have a twin?" peppa asks. wendy rolls her eyes cuz yes bitch did you not hear me? do you need hearing aids? "yes i do, my twin brother."

"why did he move away?" peppa asks. "ykw peppa i really don't want to keep answering your questions when i get to leave school so stfu for once in your life and leave me be" wendy snaps.

gasps are heard around the classroom as wendy leaves like the bad bitch she is. "what a bitch, we're totally fighting in the playground next time we see her, right suzie?" peppa says.

"yes we are, peppa. she honestly did not have to be that rude. even tho you were being annoying" suzie says. "fuck off bitch" peppa says and suzie scoffs.


"mummy, when is y/n getting here?" wendy asked. it's been like 30 minutes and she was getting bored.

"he'll be here soon wendy, now look after your brother while i cook" mummy wolf said, rolling her eyes. wendy scoffed and walked to the living room to watch her brother.

after like 20 minutes they heard a loud as car honking its horn as it went up the hill. "y/n is here! y/n is here!" wendy exclaimed. "let's go walden." she said. who tf names their kid walden??? anyways.

mr wolf got out of the car w y/n. mummy wolf squealed when she saw him, since she hadn't seen him in like forever.

"omg you've grown sm, how are you? have you been eating well? tell me everything!!" mummy wolf yelled.

"um i'd be better if you didn't touch me ty very much. anyways i've been better. my gf just broke up w me bc she says she's into gang members so i'm in my feels." y/n says.

"ugh i never liked that bitch anyways" mummy wolf says before going inside the house to set the table.

"hey sis" y/n says walking over to his sister. "y/n, i have sm too tell you. you're going to my school right? yes you are, anyways let me tell you abt this bitch named peppa pig."

"not the piggy causing problems, whats she gonna do oink? anyways let's go" y/n says, ready to know all the tea. "also, hi walden" y/n pats his little brother on the head before walking inside.


turns out peppa is like the most popular girl in school but she's a pick me so that's disgusting. and she's done a lot of shady shit so we don't like her.

wendy told y/n abt everyone in her school so he could get ready for tmm.

he didn't have to go to school but he wanted to distract himself from his ex gf bc he actually really liked her and then she had to go and do this? like damn shawty i can fight too, ever heard of the alpha male?

anyways y/n had to re-do his whole room bc they made it a guest room and took down all his stuff. ngl he felt uncomfortable bc who knows what ppl did in this bed while he was away?

someone knocked on his door and he sighed in content bc omg people actually respecting my privacy?!?1!?!11 imagine.

"come in."

his little brother walden walked inside. how does a kindergartner respect privacy better than grown adults, y/n will never know.

"hey little bro, you wanna hang or smth?"

something y/n liked abt her little brother is that he knows how to stfu. but like he never talks that much which y/n loves bc he loved just chilling.

okay let's go onto the next day 🥱


"are you sure you wanna go to school? you fixed up your room yesterday so ik you might feel a little sore" mummy wolf told y/n.

"mother i told you i'm going ty tho. hey is this pig meat?" y/n asked. mummy wolf averted her eyes, "go to school."

y/n got in the car w wendy and they went to school.

"ayo listen up!!!" madam gazelle exclaimed as wendy walked into the classroom. "we have a new student, pls introduce yourself."

"what's up y'all, i'm y/n wolf uh, i'm an alpha male so if that doesn't make you want me idk what will aha, um anyways if ur into gang members don't talk to me." he said.

"um anyways, sit next to ur sister" madem gazelle said.

y/n listened to her and sat between his sister and some smelly dog. "hey, ur y/n right? i'm danny dog and i don't take showers" he said.


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