Chapter 5

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During dinner that night, the camp is discussing who gets to have their luxury item and who doesn't. They have to fill it out on a blackboard before the end of the night.

"Right, maybe we should share with each other what our luxury items are? That way maybe we can help each other out?" Ben suggests. "Maybe two of us have a hairbrush or something."

Unfortunately, most items are sentimental and no one is willing to freely give their item up. Perrie lets the discussion go on around her as she ponders a solution. Someone suggests to just let the camp leader decide who gets a luxury item and who doesn't, but that gets a lot of protest as they change camp leaders every couple of days. Currently, Darren is the leader, but they elect someone else tomorrow.

"We could just rock, paper, scissors it?" Emma suggests, but no one really responds to that.

"We're never going to figure this out," Perrie sighs. "Three people are just going to have to give their item up. Honestly, I think I can miss my mug. There are other mugs here."

"But, babe, then you won't get to see everyone's faces," Jade says, confusion clear on her face. She knows how much Perrie misses everyone and can't wait to see them again. And that's true, but she's got to do something and she feels less desperate to see everyone's faces than she expected. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that she's got her best friend right here.

"I think I can manage not seeing their pictures. Besides, I've got you right here with me. That's more valuable to me than that mug," Perrie mutters, looking up at Jade nervously. Jade's face goes slack for a second in surprise before morphing into the most beautiful and gentle smile Perrie has ever seen. The sight releases a warmth in her chest that slowly spreads through her whole body and she can't help but grin back at Jade.

"Okay, Jade will be Perrie's luxury item," Adam jokes. "Who else thinks they will be okay without their luxury items?"

Perrie forces herself to focus on the discussion still going on around them instead of just staring at Jade. She smiles encouragingly as Geoff soon gives up his luxury item as well. "I thought a Christmas tree would brighten the place up, but seeing as you all have brought sentimental things, we'll have to do without."

"But isn't it your family's Christmas tree?" Mary asks him.

"Yes, but we don't normally put it up this early in the year anyway, so it'll be fine," Geoff explains.

"Aww, I would've liked a Christmas tree," Perrie pouts. "It's already December, I normally have mine up right after Halloween."

"Really?" Adam asks, looking at her as if she's insane.

"Yeah, I love Christmas!" Perrie beams.

"But right after Halloween, Pez?" he says.

"Hey, don't judge me! Jade doesn't take her tree down until June!"

"Oi, no fair!" Jade cries. "That was only one time!"

Everyone bursts out laughing and the tension that has been building during their luxury item discussion dissipates.

"Okay, so no Christmas tree," Darren says when everyone has calmed down. "That's two, we need one more person to give theirs up."

Everyone looks around at the others in an awkward silence, hoping that someone will speak up. But no one wants to cave and give up their item.

"Right, this is ridiculous," Mary eventually speaks up and, being the mother of the group she is, "I will give up mine, just to get this over with. I can survive without it."

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