a question from XinruiXiang

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Ota: sorry for taking so long, @XinruiXiang nechan! or, nichan? ? ? lol, so yup, interesting wuestions as ever-
Kazuto: ah! ota! there you are!-
Ota: *runs away*
asuna: geez, if i were you, i would be more kinder to her, she looks very tough, but she is really soft when it comes to things like these, especially very soft towards her friends.
kazuto: i - ill fix this, i promise.
asuna: make sure, ota-chan is the youngest here, make her cry and i will put my blade on your throat
kazuto: y-yes maam.
XinruiXiang: ota-chan was crying, she thought you were very mad at her when she recorded your arnswer
asuna : what answer?
kazuto: she didnt shown you?
asuna: no, and whats that?
kazuto:...ah, its nothing
asuna: kazuto.
kazuto: ahh, look at the time, its time to answer questions.
asuna: hmph!
XinruiXiang: a-ah...ok, can i?
asuna: you may
XinruiXiang: ehem, to both, which name would you put on your first baby if it was a boy? or a girl?
asuna and kirito : *blush*
asuna: well, we havent decided on that y-yet...
kazuto: were still pretty young after all...
XinruiXiang: just get to it already
asuna:...umm...if it were a girl, ill probably name her Yuna..since i know that yui is coming here soon
kazuto: hmm...for the boy, i would like kazuto the 2nd, if i were to have a second son, it will be the 3rd-
asuna: *elbowed kazuto* stop playing around.
kazuto: y-yes maam...uhh...it would be anthonio or anthony.
XinruiXiang: why so?
kazuto: hm... i dont know, that name keeps popping on my head these days- OWW!!
asuna: =_=

((lol, hope you likes it))

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