question from yahookitty

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asuna: a question from @yahookitty - san... kazuto, when did you know you loved asuna?

kazuto: g-gee...the one who is questioning it is the one who was in the question? i-i cant answer it..*blushes*

asuna: aww, but i wanna hear your answer...please?

kazuto: n-no..

asuna: fine! geez! im going home! i thought hearing your answer was the thing to make my day, but no! i hate you kazuto-kun! im going home!

kazuto: a- asuna!? not you too! a-asu..

yahookitty: geez, bruh, you made 2 girls cry for the day.

kazuto: fine, call me an idiot.

yahookitty: idiot.

kazuto: ok...first of all, to answer your question, i fell inlove with her the first time i saw her during the 1st boss battle. happy?

yahookitty: yep, very. since im the one typing this, kazuto-kun! on and at Ota's place.

kazuto: asuna!? that you? hun?

yahookitty: yup, i forgive you, but i fell inlove with you thought when you protected me from kuradeel.

kazuto: i love you

yahookitty: i love you too.

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