"Ma'am... I am the manager."

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Heeeerrrreeees chapter 2! Also I didn't do as much research on managing a drink store so some things might be inaccurate. 

4:30 am, the next day

John woke up to his blaring alarm, getting up in a daze. He glanced beside him, where a thin stream of light had entered his dark, thick curtains. He then leaned over and unplugged his phone from his charger, and check his messages.

1 new message from Sera

Sera: Oi wake up, sleepy-head

John chuckled. 

John: I'm up

Sera: Good. Now go to work

John set his phone down and went about his daily routine; washing his face, brushing his teeth, getting dressed for work, grabbing a quick breakfast and setting off on his sky blue bike, riding with the wind in his face.

Of course, he did have his car and he could drive it to work. But John loved riding into the wind, the smell of the fresh flowers in early spring, and the of course, the feeling of being lightweight and free.

After a few blocks or so, he had arrived at his workplace: Woaba Boba.

He locked his bike into the bike parking rack and took out the store keys, unlocking the door and flipping the 'We're Closed' sign to 'We're Open'. 

He breathed in the air of his shop and immediately got to work, taking a broom and sweeping the floor. Next he dusted the tables, chairs, and the counter and placed everything in its place.

After a while, he decided to make his own favorite drink, a mango boba, when he heard the door opening.

"Hey there, John!"

It was Aria, a light purple haired student with red eyes, one of the few employees he had.

"Hello, Aria! Ready to work?"

Ari groaned. "I'm not ready to deal with a mass amount."

"Haha same. But it's what we have to do for a living. How's college by the way?"

"Same as ever. I have a ton of classes and none of them is ever so helpful in finding myself a career."

"Cheer up. I'm sure you'll find it in no time."

"Hm. I hope so."

The door was opened again and stepped in was Martha, a short woman with auburn hair and green eyes, followed by Kai, a quiet man with white hair and blue eyes.

"Ugh, I hate Mondays with a burning passion," commented Martha.

She fiddled with her phone, supposedly messaging someone and pocketed it.

"Alright then, let's get to work."


Around 6am, the first customer arrived. Soon, hordes of people and students from nearby schools stopped by to get a quick drink and chat.

John, Aria, Kai, Martha and a few other employees, had their hands full, especially today because the other employees either called in sick or took a day off.

This of course, resulted in some customers being less patient than usual, but other than that, it was pretty normal. Well, until this person arrived.

She walked in like any normal customer, through the front door, and seated herself near a window facing a hat shop. Since the other employees were busy serving other people or making the drinks, John had decided to serve her instead. 

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